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2016 Colorado/Western Rally

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  • BA80
    Originally posted by jwhughes3 View Post
    Greg your pics have an ethereal quality to them. Don't ever clean the fingerprints from your lens.

    I especially like #18 of the side of your leg. The composition speaks to me on an artistic level like "photography is a part of me like this leg".

    Next time I might have a faster coffee cooker like Harry's stove.

    They did turn out pretty well even though most of them were taken with my phone because my camera was dead Saturday.

    The leg picture is one the stupid smart phone did by itself, it does that sometimes. I think it's time for an upgrade.

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  • jwhughes3
    Originally posted by Bigfoot View Post
    Made it home this morning about 9:45 with no issues.

    It is definitely past time to work on these carbs. Running strong again once down off the mountains but I think it is still Very rich. Gas mileage was poor the entire trip as well. Lowest tank was 20.5, highest was 26.7. Thank god for the big tank. After Pikes Peak my clutch is slipping on hard acceleration as well, but I probably just need to adjust it.

    Maybe your engine got more horsepower just hanging out with us?


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  • jwhughes3
    Originally posted by BA80 View Post
    I'm just going to leave this here. I haven't edited much or written any comments on some. I'll do it a little at a time.
    Greg your pics have an ethereal quality to them. Don't ever clean the fingerprints from your lens.

    I especially like #18 of the side of your leg. The composition speaks to me on an artistic level like "photography is a part of me like this leg".

    Next time I might have a faster coffee cooker like Harry's stove.


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  • jwhughes3
    Enjoyed meeting you Chuck. One of these days when I do the northern LOST Rally I will ride up Chi-town way to visit.

    Glad to hear everyone had a great time. Wish I coulda stayed longer but not in the cards this time.


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  • Chuckster
    Thanks Greg, appreciate the kind words.

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  • BA80
    I'm just going to leave this here. I haven't edited much or written any comments on some. I'll do it a little at a time.

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  • BA80
    It was great to meet you Chuck and you did GREAT. One thing I can safely say is nothing will ruin a rally quicker than a rider that tries to ride above their skill level and hurts themselves or someone else.

    Patience and practice. You gotta walk before you can run.

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  • Chuckster
    Awesome rally!

    Made it home safe and sound around 4pm Chicago time, no issues. Des Moines Iowa does not like me, bad storms both ways, out and back. Nothing like rain, lightning and wind!

    I want to say thanks to all, especially Howard, Joe and Jerry. Great rally, had an awesome time. The riding was unbelievable, the food was great and the company was even better.

    Being my first rally I really appreciated all the help, advice and hospitality everyone showed. I've got a long, long ways to go before I can be in the same league as you guys.

    When I told people where I was going, a couple of them asked why I would ride 2,600 miles to hang out with a bunch of guys I never met. I told them the XS11 group is the best!

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  • rdmcguy
    The rally

    I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this years rally,
    It was great to see some familiar faces and to finally meet some of the faces behind the names on channel 11.
    It was nice to ride with so many skilled and talented riders on roads that can be quite challenging , I always felt safe around anyone that I was riding next to .
    So thanks to Howard Jerry.....Jerry for their contributions, to make it a BIG success, and thanks to all of you great guys for making the trek from faraway places, Sorry that some of the guys that planned to make it could not for various reasons ...And even though there were assorted mechanical problems ..the ride was safe and nobody fell down or was injured. I will post more pics. and videos as time permits ....Glad also that everyone made it home safe and sound (so far) I look forward to seeing and riding with you guys in the near future

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  • Bigfoot
    Yeah, I know we could have.... but I was hot and tired and had a cold beer in my hand. It wasn't doing it so bad that I was worried about getting home. As far as the springs, I believe they are stock, unless a P.O. changed them.

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  • BA80
    Have you got Barnetts in there Harry? I forgot about it, we could have adjusted it last evening at Ivan's.

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  • Bigfoot
    Made it home this morning about 9:45 with no issues.

    It is definitely past time to work on these carbs. Running strong again once down off the mountains but I think it is still Very rich. Gas mileage was poor the entire trip as well. Lowest tank was 20.5, highest was 26.7. Thank god for the big tank. After Pikes Peak my clutch is slipping on hard acceleration as well, but I probably just need to adjust it.

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    Originally posted by soccer4m View Post
    So,,,me and Roo cruised out and all was well until Beaver Utah. His Kawasaki Nomad oil pressure gear self destructed and it was off for a tow and a local shop. After two days of waiting for the only gear in the USA for the bike, we got it and it was a Dog to try and put in without splitting the cases,no luck getting it in,,,,,so,,,off to Uhaul and get a van to haul it back to Santa Barbara California. Sorry we missed the Rally and all the newbies to Colorado Rallies with the cool guys, Brant, Bohn, Bob, 3Phase, Joe, Jerry, and the big guy, Howard. Roo called and made it back ok, I cruised in on the XJ back to California with a smile knowing you guys had a blast. Maybe in the near future we can see Scott on his beloved Columbo- with many stories to tell, Motoman Brant on a cool Goldwing Trike ripping up the hills,Jerry on his ol trusty XJ with more miles than a United Jet,,,So, until the next Colo. Rally next year-? ehhhh Howard?? eyes on the road and be safe.........Mike in Sun Diego
    Mike, it was one of the best rallies I've attended. BUT...
    It would have been even BETTER if you guys could've been there with us.
    Sorry that happened and you guys didn't make it. We sure missed seeing you guys again!
    Hope he gets his bike going again soon, and we'll be able to catch up with you guys at the next one!
    It was great that Scott made it, even if Columbo didn't and he had to "wing it".
    I always enjoy seeing and riding with him. This time, he and I even worked on Bohn's bike together when his electrical system had issues. Scott knows these bikes, especially the electrical systems. It was great having his help.
    Ride safe, brother... 'til we meet again.

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  • CatatonicBug
    Originally posted by tcoop View Post
    I was able to avoid the rain except for the last mile...
    I got dumped on one exit before I got off the freeway too!

    Thanks everyone for a great time!

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  • soccer4m
    Looked Like another Great Rally,,,,ouch

    So,,,me and Roo cruised out and all was well until Beaver Utah. His Kawasaki Nomad oil pressure gear self destructed and it was off for a tow and a local shop. After two days of waiting for the only gear in the USA for the bike, we got it and it was a Dog to try and put in without splitting the cases,no luck getting it in,,,,,so,,,off to Uhaul and get a van to haul it back to Santa Barbara California. Sorry we missed the Rally and all the newbies to Colorado Rallies with the cool guys, Brant, Bohn, Bob, 3Phase, Joe, Jerry, and the big guy, Howard. Roo called and made it back ok, I cruised in on the XJ back to California with a smile knowing you guys had a blast. Maybe in the near future we can see Scott on his beloved Columbo- with many stories to tell, Motoman Brant on a cool Goldwing Trike ripping up the hills,Jerry on his ol trusty XJ with more miles than a United Jet,,,So, until the next Colo. Rally next year-? ehhhh Howard?? eyes on the road and be safe.........Mike in Sun Diego

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