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2016 Colorado/Western Rally

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  • 3Phase
    ... 101 in Tulsa tomorrow w/109 heat index
    Yikes! Leave that stuff for cooler weather!


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    Thanks anyway John, but we think we got what we need and we now have a plan!

    I sat here for a bit this evening thinking about what we should do...

    Next, I decided to check w/Andreas... he had a couple of harnesses listed, but they were both '79's... There are some differences. The TCI's are in different places, the reg/recs are in different places, the '79 Special did not have 4way flashers... and Bohn didn't want to go that way or have to hack on another harness to make it work.

    So... it occurred to me if anybody might have everything we need, it has to be GREG! Sure nuff I was right! He has the remains of Harry's old '80 MNS, with a complete, unhacked, and fully functional electrical system! Reg/reg, stator, unmolested harness... all that had worked perfectly when Harry parked the bike due to the engine's high oil use, and he turned his attention to his '79.

    So, looks like we've scored what we need, and it should solve Bohn's problems.

    But, I told Bohn we'll have to wait a while... it is WAAAYY too hot right now to work on it. (Supposed to be 101 in Tulsa tomorrow w/109 heat index.) Kansas City's not much better... He's ok with that, he's got his GS to ride...

    Thanks anyway, John. Think we got 'er solved though... for now.

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  • jwhughes3
    Originally posted by XJOK2PLAY View Post

    (JW, I wish we coulda nabbed that one from the red donor bike you had! Was that an '80 also?)

    Its a 79SF. It would probably be OK but its not pristine and has been hacked a bit.

    Let me know if he wants it. I will pull it off.


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  • skids
    I just want everyone to know that I wish I could have done the entire rally. It was nice having breakfast in Guffey, but damn, I only rode about 30 miles to get there. Anyway, it was great meeting you there and perhaps I can do much more on the next ride. Great bunch of xsers!

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  • skids
    Originally posted by motoman View Post
    A HUGE Thanks goes to Jeff, as he came to G.Junction and bought Anita and I's dinner at Red Lobster. He came into G.Junction from Fruita(6mi.east) where he is stayin' in a motel. He had spent most of day riding from Glenwood Springs to Carbondale, then over McClure Pass down to Delta, then came over the Grand Mesa to I-70 to that boy loves to just ride. Sounds like he'll be heading the southern route, maybe as far as Chama,N.M., etc., then easterly back home. Superb gentleman to visit with for sure! His XS still purring like a kitten!
    Yes, that is a great ride. Done that before!

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  • 3Phase
    Thanks, Skids! It was good to meet you and, Chuck, you're a wildman riding all the way from back East!

    The kids are all grown and moved out but I haven't been able to get hold of my friend yet so I may have to make a run out to Aridzona.

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  • 3Phase
    I can't wait to try out that new socket, it works great but the seat's not really on the bike yet....

    We forgot to check the alternator stator coils on Bohn's bike before we connected it to the harness with the splice connectors. You'd have to clip the splice connectors to test it but the alternator might be okay and one of the White wires in the harness is shorted to that Black wire inside the harness.

    For the low voltage, if the headlight starts using both filaments at the same time, High and Low beam, or the Black ground wire drops out and makes the filaments use each other for ground that'll load everything down and do a slow burn on the wiring.

    I had that happen when the handlebar switch got confused and couldn't decide if it was supposed to be running High or Low beam so it used both. That Littel S.N.A.F.U. didn't blow the Head fuse, it burned up the fuse holder position itself in my fancy four-dollar Littelfuse fuse block and I had to replace it.

    Radio Shack/Littelfuse 4-pole fuse block

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  • skids
    Originally posted by XJOK2PLAY View Post
    I'm sooo sorry to hear that about your friend's wife. Horrible, and what a horrible thing to have to come home to. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend's family.
    Take care, Scott...'til we ride together again, and hopefully soon.
    Ditto. I hope they are able to cope with the loss given due time.

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  • skids
    Originally posted by Chuckster View Post
    Made it home safe and sound around 4pm Chicago time, no issues.!
    Wow that was a big trip for you!

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    I dig that seat socket tool CZ made!

    He's pretty dang smart!

    I sure like him, and enjoyed riding with him again, too.

    I always learn something new about an 11 when I get to hang around him.

    Man's aquired a lotta wisdom...

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    Originally posted by 3Phase View Post
    Thanks, Bob, I should be riding soon I hope!

    Deanna was an ex-Marine and the post librarian at YPG down in Yuma. She was quite a woman and I'm going to miss her too.

    I know he's not a happy bunny but I hope Bohn sends me the harness so I can rebuild it instead of painting himself blue, setting the XS on fire and then dancing around it and cackling while it burns. Oh, wait, that was me and my plan for Columbo. Nevermind!

    Hahaha! I know Bohn's discouraged right now about it, but don't think it's that bad yet...

    I called him this morning and told him I'd help him get that harness off the bike and see if we can find the root cause of the problem. We're gonna keep our eyes peeled for a good '80 Special harness to become available.

    (JW, I wish we coulda nabbed that one from the red donor bike you had! Was that an '80 also?)

    Anyhow, we plan to get together and work on it later on when it cools down... Like... late Sept maybe? Lol... In the meantime, he's got 3 other bikes he can ride...

    That 11's too good and well maintained to make a "Bohn-fire" out of...
    (In spite of that crap harnesses best efforts... Lol...)

    If we don't find a good replacement harness in the meantime, and he decides to, we'll appreciate your help with rebuilding it. Kind of you to offer, Scott.

    Makes me think that wire that french fried outta the connector may have pressure shorted to a ground wire on up in the harness. I think that's the 3rd or 4th time that connector's melted and been replaced. I know Russ replaced it with a new one last time.

    He's also been having problems with a dim headlight issue. Last fall, we were riding together around Eureka Springs, Ar. and stayed out too late. Had to ride about an hour after dark getting back to our motel room. His headlight was so dim he had to rely on my bike's lights to see to get back! Next morning, I went through the headlight system checking with my voltmeter and found 13.5 volts leaving the battery while running, but only 11.2 volts reaching the headlight. I reworked several connection points at that time, and it improved to almost 12 volts... but still wasn't bright like it should have been.

    I think that harness has had issues for about 5 years now. Be cool if, after we get it out of the bike, we finally find and fix the source of the issues...once and for all!

    - About your friend... such a tragedy. My deepest condolances to him and the family. My heart goes out to him, and the kids, and to you too, buddy. Hang in there. I know the next few days won't be easy ones for you, or them.

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  • 3Phase
    Thanks, Bob, I should be riding soon I hope!

    Deanna was an ex-Marine and the post librarian at YPG down in Yuma. She was quite a woman and I'm going to miss her too.

    I know he's not a happy bunny but I hope Bohn sends me the harness so I can rebuild it instead of painting himself blue, setting the XS on fire and then dancing around it and cackling while it burns. Oh, wait, that was me and my plan for Columbo. Nevermind!


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    Glad you got home safely, Scott. It was great to see you again, and I'm glad you were able to come! Thanks again for helping me work on Bohn's bike!

    I'm sooo sorry to hear that about your friend's wife. Horrible, and what a horrible thing to have to come home to.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend's family.
    Take care, Scott...'til we ride together again, and hopefully soon.

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  • 3Phase
    Made it home.

    It's been a long day. I just found out my best friend's wife was killed in an auto accident early Friday morning and he and the kids are still in shock.

    First things first: I had a great time meeting up with everyone and, "Thank you, Joe and Howard!" just seems completely inadequate!

    I got home this morning and promptly fell asleep. The plane left Denver at 6:00 AM and I had to be there 2 hours early for the TSA to be happy so Joe took me to the airport at 3:30AM, then he went home to go back to sleep before finishing packing to go camping with his girlfriend and his daughter.

    I'm still sorting through the trip/rally pictures along with a bunch of sunset pictures I took with Joe and his girl but they're all in correctly dated folders synch'ing to my Google Drive account while I dither hither and yon (yawn?) .

    My Drive > Photos > Camera Roll > 2016 > 07:

    A little hand-made surprise CaptonZap gave to me at the rally, a seat bolt socket:


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  • tcoop
    Originally posted by skids View Post
    "I was able to avoid the rain except for the last mile..." That happens to me so often on the way home from work. I only have 7 more work days before I retire! 8-D
    I don't think I will ever get that close ro retirement...

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