Home again
Hi all, got in around 4:30PM Tue. Over 2K on the clock. Left Mon. with TC, Darrell and group. Now, as a group, we need to chant, Sun up east down west.
Split with most of group onto RT220 off I64 with Darrell. Nice route, some twisties some sweeps and some country staights. Darrell just could not resist spanking some "squids" on the way. It has to really hurt when a bike older than you are, ridden by a guy twice your age spanks your butt.
Thanks to all who made the rally possibe, it was GREAT. Good to see the old family and new members. Sorry if I did not get a chance to say goodbye to everyone. I miss everyone already.
See you next time. Ralph, glad your home and OK.
Hi all, got in around 4:30PM Tue. Over 2K on the clock. Left Mon. with TC, Darrell and group. Now, as a group, we need to chant, Sun up east down west.
