I brought the SF in my sig out of storage and have the carbs off to clean them up. They were drained for storage but had a splash left in the bowls even after pulling the plugs and its a mess. Pulled off the stock bars and in progress of putting clubman bars on it. All calipers are hanging and waiting for a thorough cleaning and to be reinstalled. The bike is missing the key so I need to figure out something there too. I took the battery box out and will paintg it for corrosion control and I also cleaned up all the gounds and most ever connection got a once-over with a wire brush. Head light is off and need to find a round headlight and front signals. Rear tail light is not stock and will be replaced. Considering bobbing the rear fender some and going with two small round intergrated brake/turn lights. Forks are wicked soft and might need seals or just air. Bike was last inspected in 2005 and only has 25K miles on it. Inspection sicker under that is from '85... Engine oil will be changed and started once the carbs go back on, last time it ras was when I bought it and put it in storage.
When I went to get it out of storage at my fathers, I took a closer look at the 78E he has in storage and noticed it has a set of spaghetti 4-2 pipes on it. Then noticed the other spare 79 SF that was in front of my SF has a RC 4-1 pipe on it. Good thoughts are running through me head.
When I went to get it out of storage at my fathers, I took a closer look at the 78E he has in storage and noticed it has a set of spaghetti 4-2 pipes on it. Then noticed the other spare 79 SF that was in front of my SF has a RC 4-1 pipe on it. Good thoughts are running through me head.
