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2016 Colorado/Western Rally

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  • BA80
    Originally posted by jwhughes3 View Post
    I don't think the speedo itself is damaged though i cant see underneath without removing it. Just a sheath and cable.

    Pretty sure I have a good standard cable out there if I can find it. I'll look tomorrow evening.

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  • jwhughes3
    I don't think the speedo itself is damaged though i cant see underneath without removing it. Just a sheath and cable.


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  • BA80
    You just need a cable or cable and speedometer John?

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  • jwhughes3
    I don't think its a Corbin. It's pretty good, but not a Corbin.

    I'm in Garden City Kansas tonight. Was planning to camp near the border of CO at a State Wildlife Area for free, but after Dodge City my speedo went kaput at lets say a high rate of speed. The cable is buggerred up and the threaded part no longer will thread on after i kind of fixed and reshaped the end. I got really hot trying to fix it with zero shade, so decided I needed some AC to cool off.

    I'm headed up towards Denver tomorrow and will head down to Canon City on Wednesday I think. If anyone has a spare speedo assembly I will fill you with beer if you bring it to the Rally. I am going to guess speed by rpm and time tomorrow and fill up more often.

    Hey at least my engine is "frozen in time" and not aging right now.

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  • BA80
    Originally posted by Bonz View Post
    Nice! Good looking bike and steak! Is the Navy bike seat done by Corbin?
    Yeah, those are the only pics I got and JW took those. I was kinda busy.


    Don't know, It was put on there by Bob Jones when he built it. JW would know better than I.

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  • Bonz
    Nice! Good looking bike and steak! Is the Navy bike seat done by Corbin?

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    Awesome, Greg! Glad he's doing well and made it.

    Thanks for the update.

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  • BA80
    JWHughes3 rolled in on The Navy Bike last night around 9pm.

    He was pretty tired after 12 hours in the saddle coming from San Antonio to Tulsa so I sent him to the shower and grilled up a couple ribeyes.

    7am I headed to work and he headed north to Kansas. On his way.

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    Good to hear it's away from where we'll be. I heard they had shut 50 down yesterday evening, and they did not have the fire contained as of last night.

    I hear the smoke is awful.

    Just heard my latest local forecast... May be leaving out in thunderstorms.


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  • Bonz
    Thanks for that fire report Bob. I'm still back east in Pennsylvania visiting my folks, will get home late tonight. Did a little reading up, the one between Cotopaxi and Salida is south of Highway 50 and up in the mountains a good ways, no real danger to any structures at this point. Apparently started by lightning. That is nothing but wilderness for hundreds of square miles of forest. The deadfall is like walking on pick up stix because there has been such a push for "leave no trace" and the forest never gets thinned. So mother nature does her thing to keep them thin. "Nature taking back her own".

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    Hey guys,
    Just hearing the news reports of massive fires between Cotopaxi and Salida!
    Smoke clear to Pueblo...and north to Monument smoke's so think they've had to shut windows and come indoors...thick as dense fog! Fires being fueled by high heat and low humidity. So, I'd say no campfires!

    3 seperate fires... lightning started one, 2 arrested for arson...

    Pueblo today set a record high... 105.

    Sounds like fun...
    Last edited by XJOK2PLAY; 07-10-2016, 10:22 PM.

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  • 3Phase
    Joe, it's like the sisters of the "Anything for a buck" brothers on Bob Newhart: "Hi, I'm Toro, this is my sister Marie and this is my other sister Marie Marie.

    Greg that'd bring the wolves and bears out of the woodwork but I guess wolves and bears make neat jackets or rain cloaks and great conversation starters at rest stops and other rallies.

    Yeah, "frisk" is probably not even close to what would happen and I need some new gear anyway. My leathers need the belt loops replaced and when my eyes cleared up and I finished coughing after I took them off the hook in the garage I noticed they need to be professionally cleaned.


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  • Bonz
    Yeah, riding gear on the plane would be interesting! Frisk, frisk...

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  • BA80
    Originally posted by 3Phase View Post
    Greg, we can always look around and see if we can find a couple of girl scouts to rub together to keep the bears and wolves away!

    Girl scouts have been known to be eaten too......

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  • rdmcguy
    Howard ,
    Not completely sure about bikes , one for Scott (Marie) one for me (Marie Marie) El Toro might be fun , but is more for amusements sake , not very comfortable and uses a LOT of oil ....But it is LOUD !!! lol I'm impressed that you remember their names though .....

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