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Memorial Day 2005 Unrally

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  • #76
    "Third star on the right, straight on till dawn...."

    Marty in NW PA
    Gone - 1978E - one of the first XS11 made
    Gone - 2007A FJR - the only year of Dark Red Metallic
    This IS my happy face.


    • #77
      What's in a name?

      O.K. Marty; you can call me Gary if you wish, and after all those Emails?? lol I've sure been called worse. Nothing wrong with Gary, as long as you don't get me and Mr. Granger confused!
      'Just having a little fun with your "typeo".
      It could have been worse; if you would have had me riding with a female other than Cindy; I'd STILL be in the dog house AND with alot of explaining to do!
      Ride Safe,
      GREG C.
      '80 XS1100-G "Christine"
      '93 KLX650-C1

      P.S. You've got me so confused,----- I'm going out right now and change the oil and oil filter on Christine,--- if her name hasn't changed too!!! lol Just kidding; not about the oil change though.


      • #78
        Originally posted by MartyA
        "Third star on the right, straight on till dawn...."

        That's me brother.

        ralph meeks
        Ralph Meeks


        • #79
          Sorry Greg!
          The sun was in my eyes, my shoelace was untied....

          And further clarification, (hope THIS is right)

          Phil D=Phil Delahaye
          Gary C=Gary Conboy
          Marty in NW PA
          Gone - 1978E - one of the first XS11 made
          Gone - 2007A FJR - the only year of Dark Red Metallic
          This IS my happy face.


          • #80
            I see I can't count either...
            Marty in NW PA
            Gone - 1978E - one of the first XS11 made
            Gone - 2007A FJR - the only year of Dark Red Metallic
            This IS my happy face.


            • #81
              So Marty did you hear from Brent then? Ralph is Bob coming? I think that statememt for when they get us lost down there Ralph. Its so we can find are way home or the motel which ever comes first. Is it time to leave yet ?


              • #82
                Lost? ok.... that's it! I am bring my GPS for sure!

                Don't leave home without it!
                2004 FJR1300abs 311,000 kilometers and counting
                gone,but not forgotten 1978 XS11E


                • #83
                  I never get lost to many people re telling me where to go < and they ain't nice about like you guys are . Where they tell me to go your Gps won't work.


                  • #84
                    Hi Marty,
                    Looking good so far. Do we have 18 bikes coming with 22 people? I think HamJam and I have the last room at the Inn.
                    Thanks for pulling the Unrally together for us all to enjoy.
                    MaximPhil aka Phil D
                    1981 XS1100 H Venturer ( Addie)
                    1983 XJ 650 Maxim
                    2004 Kawasaki Concours. ( Black Bear)


                    • #85
                      Phil and all, you are quite welcome, but there was (still is) lots of help. Let me name them in case I hit the lottery and you guys never hear from me again...

                      Greg xsessivebiker Campbell had the misfortune of having to ride a lot of these roads several times and send me feedback. A lot of the routes are based on his input and suggestions. Poor guy lives down there.

                      Gary sixtysix tolerated my 200 emails and fine-tuned the routes. Wih his vast knowlege of old bike rallies I was able to make some sense of and bring some order to the 2 days. I'd still be waffling without his direction.

                      Ralph madbiker did all the shirt work, and of course is responsible for suggesting it in the first place. It all started when he mentioned that no one was planning a Memorial day rally and we should get together with our wives and ride somewhere in WV.

                      So really I did the easy stuff, found an old map and wrote some routes down.
                      Marty in NW PA
                      Gone - 1978E - one of the first XS11 made
                      Gone - 2007A FJR - the only year of Dark Red Metallic
                      This IS my happy face.


                      • #86
                        Ralph Meeks said his friend Bob Laton is coming, riding a 03 H-D.

                        19 bikes 23 people
                        Marty in NW PA
                        Gone - 1978E - one of the first XS11 made
                        Gone - 2007A FJR - the only year of Dark Red Metallic
                        This IS my happy face.


                        • #87
                          I thought we would get a few folks on a list for cell phones, for the trip to Elkins. Some of us ARE on older bikes and may need to contact someone.

                          Mostly this is just to let someone know if you don't show up you are OK. If you are broke down someone might be able to help, depending on what's broke and how close you are to somebody else.

                          IF you want to participate shoot me an email with your cell #, name, and where you are coming from,with a couple of the main routes you will be travelling. I'll take all that info, make a list, and email back all of those who sent me a phone number with the list.
                          Marty in NW PA
                          Gone - 1978E - one of the first XS11 made
                          Gone - 2007A FJR - the only year of Dark Red Metallic
                          This IS my happy face.


                          • #88
                            Jetmechmarty just checked in. 80SG from Hotlanta area.
                            May ride up with Brent

                            20 bikes 24 folks.
                            Marty in NW PA
                            Gone - 1978E - one of the first XS11 made
                            Gone - 2007A FJR - the only year of Dark Red Metallic
                            This IS my happy face.


                            • #89
                              HEy Marty, Glad you are going to make it.

                              ralph meeks
                              Ralph Meeks


                              • #90
                                Fromer XS vp

                                Hey there boys and girls.

                                Former XS owners indeed. hahah I haven't logged into this site in waaaaaay too long. Much like I haven't seen my Ontario XSives in waaaay too long. Jim, I swear I'll get out there soon! maybe even within a week. I am still kind of busy with 'things' at the moment.

                                After dusting off the 'wing after a year of almost no use, I am ready to ride. Had fun last year in other endevours and didn't really ride much, now I'm back to riding. I have had a lot of changes in my personal life, nothing really significant to report as 'news' just a lot of uncertainty. Right now I'm settling in my 4th 'home' in the last year, and unemployed. But i have a decent severance package and am not looking for work right away. Time to RIDE! (except these pesky job leads keep coming up I need to follow up on. heheh)

                                I spent most of last week riding around northern ontario to clear my head and get some riding in. Went to Port Dover for the Friday the 13th party / rally too. The bike is running pretty good ('81 GL1100 STD). Might need new rubber but otherwise hoding together OK. Yes Marty, the clutch is still fine LOL. The top end rework I did last spring is still holding together. The hot start problem that was plaguing me for years seems to be gone. It must have been buildup in the valvetrain after all. ::crosses fingers:: I'd like to upgrade to braided brake lines and new rear suspension and new seat but with zero income I'll make do with what I've got. Everything else functioning well. Brakes are solid, just not RockSolid. heheh

                                I will have a look at the route later today / tomorrow to work out distances and such. See what my budget is going to have to be for fuel. What are prices in the states like? right now in Ontario it is around $0.80 to $0.90 per litre. roughly $3.50 a gallon for regular gas. Is there a camping option, or is it hotel only? I'm looking for cheap place to stay; as usual. I welcome floor space. Have sleeping bag and air matress; I have slept on gravel so I'm not too picky about where I get some Z's. Even slept sitting on the ground leaning against bike once. But that was a mistake; people kept crowding around and taking my picture so I didn't end up sleeping much. hahah, crazy people, didn't they see anyone sleeping before??


                                mail me direct if you wish ron.lyman at gmail dot calm.

