While helping a fellow member put a used engine in their bike, got to the point of starting it up. We pulled the plug wires and ran the starter in burst for a while, but the oil light never went out. So we figured perhaps a bad sensor, and put the plug wires on, got it running. Top end sounded noisy and oil light did not go off. Shut it down quick. Pulled the oil out and the tranny pan, switched for a known working oil pump. Same time checked the oil pump drive gear off the clutch from the tranny pan area and it seemed to be snug and in contact with the clutch gear. Old pump had oil in it, as witnessed by it pouring out upon the cardboard after removal. . Known working oil pump, same result!!
Any suggestions other than pulling the clutch pan and pulling the clutch to see if all is in order in there? Thanks for any suggestions!
Any suggestions other than pulling the clutch pan and pulling the clutch to see if all is in order in there? Thanks for any suggestions!