Praying that the good new will keep coming.
No announcement yet.
Motoman Hurt
Got you in my mind and prayers everyday, Brant!
To my eyes, no news is good news in terms of reading updates, keep up the recovery.Howard
BTW, ZRX carbs have the same spacing as the XS11...
I don't want to step on Chad but the police caught the woman that did the hit-and-run. Chad can fill us in as/when he wants to.
Brant's out of the ICU, he's in room #144 and still at St. Mary's. He's scheduled for surgery on his wrist on Wednesday and Anita says he's been getting better. I managed to call her when she was in line to buy a new electric razor for Brant so he can shave and that's a fantastic thing to hear!
.-- Scott
2004 ST1300A: No name... yet
1982 XJ1100J: "Baby" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
1980 XS1100G: "Columbo" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
1979 XS1100SF: "Bush" W.I.P.
1979 XS1100F: parts
2018 Heritage Softail Classic 117 FLHCS SE: "Nanuk" It's DEAD, it's not just resting. It is an EX cycle.
Well that's a relief. Very good news Scott. The brain stuff was the worry.
I got home on Saturday via N.Mex, Oklahoma, the Ozarks and then interstate home (which I never do) in two long days .
Pretty spectacular trip for me, other than the accident.
My very best to Brant and family. Will be thinking about you for some time to come.80 SG
81 SH in parts
99 ST1100
91 ST1100
Here's to hoping the woman had decent insurance... Thanks for the update, Scott.
Dean, wish I'd have known you were passing through. Could have tour guided at least for a couple days around Oklahoma and Arkansas.Try your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.
You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!
Current bikes:
'06 Suzuki DR650
*'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
'82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
'82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
'82 XJ1100 Parts bike
'81 XS1100 Special
'81 YZ250
'80 XS850 Special
'80 XR100
*Crashed/Totalled, still own
Originally posted by 3Phase View PostBrant's out of the ICU, he's in room #144 and still at St. Mary's. He's scheduled for surgery on his wrist on Wednesday and Anita says he's been getting better. I managed to call her when she was in line to buy a new electric razor for Brant so he can shave and that's a fantastic thing to hear!
So great to hear he's out of the ICU!
My continuing prayers for your ongoing improvement and recovery, Brant ...Marco
Current bikes:
1979 Yamaha XS Eleven Special (SF)
1979 Honda CBX
2002 Kawasaki ZRX1200R
Rest in Peace, Don Glardon (DGXSER) 1966-2014
Scott, first thing I do everyday is check for news on his condition. Had been a couple days so I was wondering. Payers are working people so keep it up!mack
79 XS 1100 SF Special
original owner
81 XS 1100 LH MNS
78 XS 11E
Have recovery trailer and shop if you breakdown in my area.
Frankford, Ont, Canada
Spoke with Anita last night.
Brant has improved a lot, just in the past week.
He still has a LONG way to go, though.
She said right now he gets agitated easily, right now. But I'm not surprised to hear this. It's just hard on the family when the patient does this, but I assured her that later on Brant won't even be aware he was like that. Between the meds, the pain, etc... easily understandable. They are having to keep him restrained, due to a few times they didn't, he pulls out his tubes. But, I told her that's pretty typical, too. My dad went through the same thing in the ICU, but it was still hard to see him like that.
They are doing surgery today on his broken right wrist. Plate on top, and plate on bottom.
She said that not long after police arrested the girl, she tried to commit suicide, (unsuccessfully.) like Anita said, "I don't want her to kill herself, I want her to step up and take responsibility for her actions." I asked if she knew yet if the girl had insurance, and she still doesn't know.
I was glad to hear from Anita, and she sounded upbeat.
I reminded her how important it is for her to not forget to take care of herself, too! Most caregivers tend to get so focused on the patient, and fail to eat, sleep, etc.
She said the reason we haven't heard from Chad the past few days here is due to him leaving out on a trip. He'll be gone for a couple of weeks.
I was glad to hear good progress for Brant. I've tried to let her call me when she can, rather than me call her. Trying to get cell phone calls inside a hospital can sometimes be a challenge anyway, but I know she's got her hands full, too.
She also said that he can talk about anything to do with bikes and carburetors well, but struggles with some simple things like identifying a pen.
I told her many folks here will be glad to hear he can still talk carbs! Lol
He's having to relearn how to swallow. I asked why? After long periods of being on a ventilator, as Brant has been, with tubes down his throat for long periods of time, atrophy sets in, and the muscles have to "relearn" how to work.
PT's working with him.
Brant, just want ya to know, we're all pulling and praying for ya.
Hang in there, and Godspeed recovery.
All I know for now, gang. Sounded like a good report, though.
Ride safe.
BobLast edited by XJOK2PLAY; 07-08-2015, 07:46 AM.'82 XJ1100J Maxim (has been sold.)
'79 F "Time Machine"... oh yeah, Baby....(Sold back to Maximan)
2011 Kaw Concours 14 ABS
In the warden's words from Cool Hand Luke;
"What we have here is a failure to communicate."
Irritability is a common side effect of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) - the same thing that is seen with servicemembers that are in explosions, etc.
It likely won't go away anytime soon unfortunately.
Glad to see an update - I had heard from his son Randy but no real news then.
He should be having his wrist surgery today.
JohnJohn is in an anonymous city with an Alamo (N29.519227,W-98.678980)
Go ahead, click on the bikes - you know you want to...the electrons are ready.
'81 XS1100H - "Enterprise"
Bob Jones Custom Navy bike: Tkat brace, EBC floating rotors & SS lines, ROX pivot risers, Geezer rectifier, new 3H3 engine
"Not all treasure is silver and gold"
Thanks for that report ...
I have a family member who suffered a similar type of brain injury as Brant.
And yes, unfortunately, becoming easily agitated is a very common effect of this type of injury ...
Mood swings, frustration, and (as John mentioned) irritability are also common.
There's really no way to know how long the symptoms will last ... it just depends on the severity of the injury.
The symptoms could last a few weeks, a couple of months, or a year or more.
But, overall, it sounds like a good report, as Brant is continuing to improve!
Anita, we are continuing to pray for you and Brant, as well as the rest of your family.Marco
Current bikes:
1979 Yamaha XS Eleven Special (SF)
1979 Honda CBX
2002 Kawasaki ZRX1200R
Rest in Peace, Don Glardon (DGXSER) 1966-2014
Good news just now from Anita. Brant's wrist surgery went well. He is the proud owner of a plate and pin to set off TSA metal detectors wherever he travels.
JohnJohn is in an anonymous city with an Alamo (N29.519227,W-98.678980)
Go ahead, click on the bikes - you know you want to...the electrons are ready.
'81 XS1100H - "Enterprise"
Bob Jones Custom Navy bike: Tkat brace, EBC floating rotors & SS lines, ROX pivot risers, Geezer rectifier, new 3H3 engine
"Not all treasure is silver and gold"
Thank you, Bob, and thank you too, John, that's great news!
.-- Scott
2004 ST1300A: No name... yet
1982 XJ1100J: "Baby" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
1980 XS1100G: "Columbo" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
1979 XS1100SF: "Bush" W.I.P.
1979 XS1100F: parts
2018 Heritage Softail Classic 117 FLHCS SE: "Nanuk" It's DEAD, it's not just resting. It is an EX cycle.