Welcome back, "Dude!" <laughing> Chad and Anita: thank you for the pictures and the updates!
Brant, you've got to feel a whole lot better now that they got all of that junk out of you!
The first picture Chad posted I almost couldn't understand until I remembered all the years at CDOT so the boot eyelet fragment and the laces in the posterior made total sense because they are completely normal for anyone that's ever worked for the government!
All of that junk in the femur is pretty outrageous! I can see a 18mm deepwell spark plug tap stuck in a Mikuni 45 degree spark plug boot, a long deck screw and a bunch of drywall screws! Yikes!
It's two! <click!> Two! <click!> Two posts in one!
Yes, I do know what it would take for my entire family to turn their backs on me so I don't pity the woman that hit Brant and almost scored a two-fer with Dean before she took off. She obviously screwed up her own life but at the same time it's totally sad because she's got at least another fifty years left to live with herself and her decisions.
That's the same for anyone that slowly ruined their life and then totally lost it in an instant, not just because this time it's a woman. For some people that never has been and never would be a problem but for others it'd be a living nightmare for them and their family and friends.
Welcome back, "Dude!" <laughing> Chad and Anita: thank you for the pictures and the updates!
Brant, you've got to feel a whole lot better now that they got all of that junk out of you!
The first picture Chad posted I almost couldn't understand until I remembered all the years at CDOT so the boot eyelet fragment and the laces in the posterior made total sense because they are completely normal for anyone that's ever worked for the government!

All of that junk in the femur is pretty outrageous! I can see a 18mm deepwell spark plug tap stuck in a Mikuni 45 degree spark plug boot, a long deck screw and a bunch of drywall screws! Yikes!

It's two! <click!> Two! <click!> Two posts in one!
Yes, I do know what it would take for my entire family to turn their backs on me so I don't pity the woman that hit Brant and almost scored a two-fer with Dean before she took off. She obviously screwed up her own life but at the same time it's totally sad because she's got at least another fifty years left to live with herself and her decisions.
That's the same for anyone that slowly ruined their life and then totally lost it in an instant, not just because this time it's a woman. For some people that never has been and never would be a problem but for others it'd be a living nightmare for them and their family and friends.