Painting fiasco
Well tried my hand at painting my fairing and lowers. Not so good today. First time using compressor that I bought a couple months ago. It came with a sprayer. Lost the manual, or was not able to locate in my garage. So added oil, plugged in and it began to fill however at about 60 psi began to slow down like the piston was stuck. Great I thought. Went online and found out I need to open bleed valve at bottom and let it run without pressure for about 15 mins to get things going. O.K., now compressor is charged up to 125 psi, got output set at 40 psi. Start painting fairing, it seems blotchy so I began to turn the dial on the side and it seems to spread better. However I guess it was too thick so now I have some runs to touch up tomorrow, plus the hose rubbed across a part so need to fix that as well. I did however notice as I was running thinner through it to clean it out I messed with the knob again and seemed to have found a better spray pattern. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Also forgot to add that halfway through the painting I noticed that the pressure was dropping but was not coming back on, I wasn't sure when it was supposed to kick back on, remember I lost the manual, so ran it down to about 30 psi then come to find out I had tripped a breaker. So, it took me 3 hours to do what I am sure most you folks could do in a half hour. Oh well all part of the learning process I recon.
Well tried my hand at painting my fairing and lowers. Not so good today. First time using compressor that I bought a couple months ago. It came with a sprayer. Lost the manual, or was not able to locate in my garage. So added oil, plugged in and it began to fill however at about 60 psi began to slow down like the piston was stuck. Great I thought. Went online and found out I need to open bleed valve at bottom and let it run without pressure for about 15 mins to get things going. O.K., now compressor is charged up to 125 psi, got output set at 40 psi. Start painting fairing, it seems blotchy so I began to turn the dial on the side and it seems to spread better. However I guess it was too thick so now I have some runs to touch up tomorrow, plus the hose rubbed across a part so need to fix that as well. I did however notice as I was running thinner through it to clean it out I messed with the knob again and seemed to have found a better spray pattern. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Also forgot to add that halfway through the painting I noticed that the pressure was dropping but was not coming back on, I wasn't sure when it was supposed to kick back on, remember I lost the manual, so ran it down to about 30 psi then come to find out I had tripped a breaker. So, it took me 3 hours to do what I am sure most you folks could do in a half hour. Oh well all part of the learning process I recon.