I've been thinking about what to do for our XSSE 2019 Winter Rally. I called some of the riders too …………. 
Over the past ten years we've ridden on about every good bike road in Florida. There sure are many great backroads & byways, both paved and sand.
Looking back at my notes & routes I think about 10,000 miles of good XSSE Rolling Rally riding just in Florida. We've zigged & zagged N,S,E & W around the state missing the cities. (Well, guess we did go to Miami Beach / South Beach once for tour, a walk-about and French bakery sandwiches) We've stayed at the Spanish Gardens Key West multiple times and also stayed at the Looe Key Reef Dive Shop & Resort on Ramrod Key. To-From HQ was usually Florida City. The couple years we stayed at the Transylvania Ave BoatTel (the sinking motel) on Largo Sound; now that was a hoot. Great eats there at the Hideout. Cheapo Key West motel rooms now pushing $300 per night
so that's out. (and in 2013 we did that Gulf Coast run to Galveston Texas)
Maybe try something like this for XSSE 2019 Winter Rally:
Dates: April 5-6-7 with bonus day Thurs 4th or Monday 8th
Location: Kingsland Georgia (i95 Georgia exit 3)
Motels on GA40 East: Days Inn (we've stayed there before) or next door at RedRoof or next door Comfort, BW or Microtel
Ride Plan: probably Jekyll Island, Saint Simons Island, stop at Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation on the Altamaha,
maybe ride over to Okefenokee Swamp to wrestle some alligators. If Kurt can go maybe he can get us on a submarine at Kings Bay.
Why Apr 5-6-7? April 15th is Tax Day and that's bad for some. April 21st is Easter. Later is alligator mating season. By late March spring is in full bloom so that will be nice except for the thick yellow / green pine pollen everywhere.
Hope you can join us

Over the past ten years we've ridden on about every good bike road in Florida. There sure are many great backroads & byways, both paved and sand.

Maybe try something like this for XSSE 2019 Winter Rally:
Dates: April 5-6-7 with bonus day Thurs 4th or Monday 8th
Location: Kingsland Georgia (i95 Georgia exit 3)
Motels on GA40 East: Days Inn (we've stayed there before) or next door at RedRoof or next door Comfort, BW or Microtel
Ride Plan: probably Jekyll Island, Saint Simons Island, stop at Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation on the Altamaha,
maybe ride over to Okefenokee Swamp to wrestle some alligators. If Kurt can go maybe he can get us on a submarine at Kings Bay.

Why Apr 5-6-7? April 15th is Tax Day and that's bad for some. April 21st is Easter. Later is alligator mating season. By late March spring is in full bloom so that will be nice except for the thick yellow / green pine pollen everywhere.
Hope you can join us