No Rocks thrown.
Local people were quite friendly. Found prices, food, parking, and service to be excellent. Also advice on good roads available and accurate. 'Course we could speak the local dialect well enough to be understood, and not to be easily recognized as a revenuer or flatlander. "Y'all not frum 'roun heah!, ar ya?
Rocks - Ever round a curve to see loose gravel on pavement? Large loose gravel? How about many rocks the size of baseballs and softballs? Let me know if we will be on Hwy 16 at night, I will start mounting auxilliary lighting. Marty and I got through ok. It was plenty good enough, that I would like to go again, but I would not want to do it in the dark. Still - mountain, curves, elevation change (Rocks must have fallen from mountain above road), and scenery were well worth the trip.
I believe there was a big cookout at the Hungry Mother park when we passed, but we did not participate.
Road to bottom of New River gorge is twisty two, Many slow hairpin switchback cruves.
Looking forward to XSeast memorial day 2006,
XSpected rally of twisted proportions
If only one brings an XS/XJ they would win all awards, Farthest shortest, longest, best etc. Who has that Harley award and Big banner?
(if No one brings an 1100 we could still have an UnXS rally) I still want an XS or XJ on the shirt for old times sake at least. And Standards are better looking but specials are better. OR......
Brent in Ga
No Rocks thrown.
Local people were quite friendly. Found prices, food, parking, and service to be excellent. Also advice on good roads available and accurate. 'Course we could speak the local dialect well enough to be understood, and not to be easily recognized as a revenuer or flatlander. "Y'all not frum 'roun heah!, ar ya?
Rocks - Ever round a curve to see loose gravel on pavement? Large loose gravel? How about many rocks the size of baseballs and softballs? Let me know if we will be on Hwy 16 at night, I will start mounting auxilliary lighting. Marty and I got through ok. It was plenty good enough, that I would like to go again, but I would not want to do it in the dark. Still - mountain, curves, elevation change (Rocks must have fallen from mountain above road), and scenery were well worth the trip.
I believe there was a big cookout at the Hungry Mother park when we passed, but we did not participate.
Road to bottom of New River gorge is twisty two, Many slow hairpin switchback cruves.
Looking forward to XSeast memorial day 2006,
XSpected rally of twisted proportions
If only one brings an XS/XJ they would win all awards, Farthest shortest, longest, best etc. Who has that Harley award and Big banner?
(if No one brings an 1100 we could still have an UnXS rally) I still want an XS or XJ on the shirt for old times sake at least. And Standards are better looking but specials are better. OR......

Brent in Ga