Originally posted by TopCatGr58
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Thank you for posting this photo/ad. I will adjust the height of the stand by trimming a tiny bit off my addition until I get there. I found that because of where I put it, a tiny bit off makes a BIG difference.
Looking at that advertisement......WOW! I'm still amazed at how good these bikes look! They were absolutely ahead of their time and so much nicer than ANYTHING in today's showrooms! That is a brochure I remember from my days in the Yamaha dealership when I hadn't a chance of owning one. Why did they ever stop making these bikes and shift over to "V" everything! I bet this bike would sell out in minutes if they put 'em on the showroom floor!! Yamaha are you listening??????

I can only HOPE that my XS11 will look that good! (I'm working on it....see next post)
I'll cut the post in a minute.....Thanks again T.C.