
OK, I hate to ask this kind of question again, but can someone put a Voodoo hex on a mans carbs
Just ran the bike for a min. Went to take the K&N filter out to clean it and
about two TBL spoons of gas in the airbox and 1/2 qt high on oil / and now gas mix in case again
A run down of the carbs, OEM 79SF, rebuilt 5 times in the last 6 months, new 920 tiped float needles, new float needle to carb body housing gaskets and tested for leaks. Brass floats, no dents, all hot water tested, no bubbles, all set with a micrometer and stop / open tang set to min. movement, all burrs sanded on float pillers and shafts pollished with no binding, octy in place and tested, carbs bench tested for leaks and none, zero, nadaa, prim caped at pectcock, petcocks completly rebuilt with new kits turned to OFF as soon as bike is shut off every time, new inline filters, Fuel cap vent R/I, cleaned, working fine. Over 40 years experance rebuilding carbs on everything from small motors to motorcycles to drag race cars, even the notorious Pontiac Tri power carbs, hundreds of carb rebuilds and NEVER had a single one not work perfect after I rebuilt it TILL NOW!!!!!!!!

