I didn't find taking the caliper apart to be hard, complicated, or difficult at all. That was the easy part of my problem
Go to cBug's website and download the manuals if you haven't got them yet. There is a little diagram in there of where everything goes in case you can't remember.
It was a really simple process, just pull the piston out, spray everything with cleaner and rub with a stiff brush, reassemble and then do your bleeding.
That being said, update your profile with a location, then someone close might be able to chime in.

Go to cBug's website and download the manuals if you haven't got them yet. There is a little diagram in there of where everything goes in case you can't remember.
It was a really simple process, just pull the piston out, spray everything with cleaner and rub with a stiff brush, reassemble and then do your bleeding.
That being said, update your profile with a location, then someone close might be able to chime in.