My other bike is a 82 GPZ 550. Not nearly as comfortable as the XS but a blast to ride. Plus it gets over 50 mpg. So I try to ride it to work as much as possible the 60 miles round trip.
The narrowness and quick steering of the GPZ is amazing. If I ever run into some money I want a bike with the power of the XS and the agility of the GPZ. I still haven't quite figured out what that bike is since there's no place to just go test drive various bikes. I'm thinking some of the V-twin standards like the SV650 and SV1000 may fit the bill due to their narrow engine and good torque. But that's a ways off.
The narrowness and quick steering of the GPZ is amazing. If I ever run into some money I want a bike with the power of the XS and the agility of the GPZ. I still haven't quite figured out what that bike is since there's no place to just go test drive various bikes. I'm thinking some of the V-twin standards like the SV650 and SV1000 may fit the bill due to their narrow engine and good torque. But that's a ways off.