Originally posted by conquest87tsi
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But I'm glad You mentioned them 'cause I couldn't remember where I stashed these:

Took me a half hour to find them in a box I had marked Pacifico Fairing parts.

After the fairing and oil cooler are fitted I'll see where I can mount the Fiamm's.
A buffer is really necessary when polishing. It saves a lot of time.
When I polished my Cam Cover I screwed it down to a wooden work table and put the buffing wheel in my 4" grinder, just gotta watch the speed (on-off-on-off) and don't linger in one spot too long as the metal will "burn" leaving sorta like a blurry mark in the mirror finish. If the metal gets hot let it cool, go shine sumthin' else, have a cup of your favorite herbal tea or whatever rocks ATM
