"Oh oh.. he's playing the "Hitler Card...
... I might as well concede defeat now."
Sorry, but I'm not afraid of bogey-men, nor do I run from battle.
Tossing about tired old canards doesn't have the same effect upon me that it has when you do it to cow others.
"If I don't agree with what he says... then that means that I support Hitler... and that's just evil... and nobody will like me."
Sadly, I cannot return the compliment... nor the intended insult.
(as you didn't put a "smiley face" after your comment, I must conclude that that was your intent)
As a student of history, world cultures and religions, I've always been guided by the saying:
"Historians should not debate world affairs with geologists"
Unlike some others...
(note the use of the "smiley") I welcome new ideas, facts and opinions.
As the original topic of this thread is different that the direction we're taking it, I invite you to continue our discussion in private, using the PM system.
Please send me whatever info you have to support your claims. I will do my usual diligent research on your sources, conduct counter-research, and reply with a studious assessment or, at the least, a well thought out opinion.
(If your references consist only of sites like the one you linked to previously... then please, do not take up my offer, nor my time)
... I might as well concede defeat now."
Sorry, but I'm not afraid of bogey-men, nor do I run from battle.
Tossing about tired old canards doesn't have the same effect upon me that it has when you do it to cow others.
"If I don't agree with what he says... then that means that I support Hitler... and that's just evil... and nobody will like me."
I used to think you were a logical type...note the past tense "used to".
(as you didn't put a "smiley face" after your comment, I must conclude that that was your intent)
As a student of history, world cultures and religions, I've always been guided by the saying:
"Historians should not debate world affairs with geologists"
Unlike some others...

As the original topic of this thread is different that the direction we're taking it, I invite you to continue our discussion in private, using the PM system.
Please send me whatever info you have to support your claims. I will do my usual diligent research on your sources, conduct counter-research, and reply with a studious assessment or, at the least, a well thought out opinion.
(If your references consist only of sites like the one you linked to previously... then please, do not take up my offer, nor my time)