It's about time to start thinking about the Lake Tahoe Rally again. I'm sorry to report that I will probably not be able to make it this year. Between the economy, and having to move unexpectedly, I just don't think it's going to happen... for me. But I hope it happens for you! I hope that some one will take up the challenge of coordinating the event. Doesn't take much, really: a few post to the Forum is about it. I will miss seeing everyone, especially my Okie brother Maximan, and DragXS and his family!
It made me sad to follow the news of the devastating fire that struck the area where Maximan kissed the Earth when Zilla went down.

I hear from DiverRay that he plans on riding up to Oregon with Miles and Maximan after the rally. Damn I'd like to make the ride! I lived in Eugene for 18 years before I moved to Cantaffordia. I've got family and really good friends up there. I'd love to see them. Oh well.
