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2024 Colorado Gathering, July 18-22 Westcliffe, Colorado

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  • #61
    Thanks Mike, that is crazy hail in the desert. Since you missed the hail going up Pikes Peak, you guys got some to make up for it on the way home. Glad it was a safe trip for you guys making the journey again from Cali.


    BTW, ZRX carbs have the same spacing as the XS11...


    • #62
      I do a detailed ride report so next year I can remember what I did.

      July 18, Thursday.

      With anticipation and some trepidation, I wasn’t sure how all this would work out, I arrived at DEN to begin the 2024 Colorado Gathering. I was to meet Dwayne and his cousin Charlene, “Char” at the terminal exit, waiting outside door 510 at the west exit. He was waiting outside door 511 at the east exit, which I soon figured out. Happy to meet, Lyft took us to Eaglerider motorcycle rental where he picked up a Harley cruiser and I, a 2023 Yamaha FJR, not a whole lo different than my 06 FJR. Eaglerider had a Tenerife set aside for me, while 2 FJRs were designated for another pair of riders. Dwayne has a “discussion” with the staff and I was provided with one of the FJRs,
      Contracts signed and gear stowed, we flowed south on a congested I-25 to exit 146 for Garden of the Gods. We rode around the loop and stopped for a moment to take in the view then another stop at the Nature Center to view and refresh.

      We made our way south on 31st St to US-24 to CO-115 viewing some magnificent scenery down to Florence. Then CO-67 to CO-96 into Westcliffe for a gas stop at the Conoco. After getting Char situated in the Dark Sky Suites, Dwayne and I had an excellent meal at Chappys Woodfired Grill. Outside, we could hear the announcer calling the Westcliffe Stampede and Rodeo.

      After dinner I made my way to Bonz’s cabin, running back on forth on CO-69 until I found Lake Deweese Rd which happened to run right past the stampede, and motored some 7 miles to the cabin hailing Bonz as he was walking outside. Joe and Colton were already ensconced in an adjacent cabin. Mike and Ru soon rode in the join them. Introductions were made in the main cabin while Bonz outlined the next day ride to Pikes Peak.

      July 19, Friday.

      I was prepared for hot weather, not expecting these cool mountain mornings. Had to layer up with what I had. Kickstands were up a 0800 to hit the Conoco for gas top off and gather the other riders, Matt, Bob, Tim, Robert, Dwayne and Char. Bonz and three others had Cardo units so the rest of us were dispersed between them

      We head up CO-69 to US-50 east to CO-9 to, I believe, Thirtynine Mile Rd at Guffey to CO-24 through Woodland Pk, to make the 1000 gate at Pikes Peak. (I followed Matt, another newbie, who occasionally left his turn signal on.) We sat in a 30 min queue before finally making it through the gate. We formed and began our ascent and commencement of the First Great Pikes Peak Bike Tipover. One rider, Bob?, was reporting engine sounds, possibly a faulty chain tensioner, so we pulled into a pullover that was sudden around a corner with a shallow culvert and a steep rise with camber. I carefully parked my FJR near Bonz, while he observed the first event of 1,2,3 bikes going down, Dwayne and Char couldn’t manage the culvert while Bob and Tim? Were surprised by the camber and too tipped over. Once everyone was reseated the ascent continued, with Bob’s situation not resolved. We dropped him off at the Crystal Reservoir Visitors Center while the rest of us continued up.

      One of those local small but intense thunderstorm cells was moving our way so we pulled off at the Glen Cove Visitors Center to don our rain gear. Event 2 of the First Great Pikes Peak Bike Tipover. I pulled up to the elevated berm, put my left leg out, the bike started tipping, I tried to hold it, but my leg skated out, pulling my hamstring, #%%^@#, me seeing stars from the intense pain while the bike went down. A thought flashed through my mind, “This could be the end of my riding days.” I was hopping on my good leg and cursing while others helped me get my bike up. Painfully, I donned my rain gear. I needed assistance to get my leg over the seat,

      Sitting there the bike wouldn’t start. Tip over switch or what? As I was fussing, cussing and then some, Colton came over to my left and looked at my instrument panel. “You’re in 1st gear.” Shifted to neutral and the bike started easily.
      With the storm approaching, Tim was on my right saying, “You can’t go up.” I heard “Go up.” I saw the first four head out of the parking area while those remaining seemed to be taking their time. I sped out and up the mountain but couldn’t see the lead group. I pulled off waiting for the trailing group, but they didn’t show so I continued on up just ahead of the storm. Not unlike riding those Alpine switchbacks.

      At the top the storm caught me. I was in a queue of three at the parking area as a ranger in lead was telling folks to take shelter. I was looking for the first four, didn’t see them, but scored my own parking spot. I limped into the visitor center while rain then hail came down hard. I attempted to call Bonz but no bars. I finally got a text from Dwayne waiting with Bob. The storm had cleared off, so I headed down behind two Harleys that had waited with us for entry. (The one had one of those 360 cameras mounted on a stalk.) Several slow movers pulled over, the Harleys made a stop, and I enjoyed an unrestricted ride down, engine breaking for those tight switchbacks.

      At the ranger station, rangers were checking cars for overheated brakes, and motioning most over to the parking lot, where I tipped, to cool off. They waved me on through, I guess most bikes engine brake.
      The storm has washed a lot of silt across the road. Hitting the first one the bike skidded a bit. Forewarned, I followed the water on subsequent silt overs.

      I pulled into Reservoir Visitors Center with a smile on my face pulling up to Bonz, Joe and Colton. “How’d you guys beat me down? I didn’t see you at all.” I was the only one to make it to the top that day.
      “We never went up” and told me that three lightning strikes were reported so the rangers were turning bikes back down the mountain. They recounted that the ride down with rain, hail, lightning, and washouts was more treacherous than had they go up. Joe and Colton had pulled off the Mile 7 Parking Lot to ride out the storm where Joe was the third event in the First Great Pikes Peak Bike Tipover, though I can’t recall the details.

      We all met up for lunch at the BierWerks at Woodland Park for some good brats and refreshment. Getting ready to depart, Colton called “Kickstand”. Another cell was approaching as we headed back west on US-24 and was soon pounding down on us. We retraced our route home and arrived somewhat soggy.

      That night Bob, Tim and Robert decided to head home the next day, one with a sprained wrist.

      July 20, Saturday.

      Our "local" around Westcliffe. I asked Bonz to give me a pushback on the cabin’s gravel driveway as my hamstring wasn’t up to duck walking backwards.

      We headed up CO-69 to US-50 east along the Arkansas river, then right up to the Royal Gorge for a look over the edge. We stopped at a campground for a walk down but my leg said “No!”. Pulling out Colton hit a rock and became another Bike Tipover. We headed down to the overlook for some more pictures.

      Back up to east US-24 to Sklyine Drive a 2.6 mile one-way, one lane road with no guard rails, just steep drop offs on the cliff face on either side of a hogback that rises 800 feet. My fanny was tingling when it was just the road and drop offs on both sides, I stayed in the middle of the road. Further along the road opened up making room to stop and take pictures. That was an experience.

      We head down to Canon City, for gas then headed south on CO-115 to Florence, where Dwayne said Qunicy’s Steaks and Spirits made the best prime rib. We didn’t stop but continued south of CO-67 to CO-96. We had to stop. A loader had flipped off a flatbed coming the other way. The Staties were holding us to one lane as they cleared the road. After a 15-minute stop we were waved through. South on CO-165 to Bishop's Castle, a stone three story edifice built by one man. Others walked the stairs and walks, again my leg said “No!”

      We returned to CO-96 for our run to Westcliffe. That night Bonz served up beer, brats and burgers to celebrate Joe’s 65th birthday.

      July 21, Sunday.

      Bonz gave me another pushback before we topped off at the Conoco. We then rode over to Dwayne’s hotel as he and Char were headed back to Denver for her flight.
      Down to six, Bonz, Joe, Colton, Mike, Ru and I rode west to two mountain passes, Monarch and Cottonwood while adjusting the route to avoid afternoon thunderstorms. Again, north on CO-69 to SR-1A, the Cotopxi Cutoff, to west US-50. After topping off at Salida we continued west up some magnificent country to the Monarch Pass at the Crest Visitor Center, elevation 11,312 feet, where we got our obligatory group pictures at the Continental Divide. Continuing west down some great mountain sweepers, we made our way down to the valley and our run into Gunnison.

      The first gas station we stopped at had all the pumps flagged so we made our way to brunch at Palisades. Afterwards we topped off next door at Walmart before continuing north CO-135 to east SR-742 running next along the Taylor River.

      About that time a local cell was approaching so we pulled off to don our gear and waited a bit for the worst to pass. We continued east past the Taylor Park Reservoir, where the road right angles right turning into SR-309, on up to Cottonwood Pass, elevation 12,126 feet taking some more obligatory group pictures. We began our descent to Buena Vista keeping an eye on the storm to our north. Negotiating some more mountain sweepers and three RV rigs that eventually yielded, we reached BV. We stopped for gas, hydration, and rain gear. Continuing south on US-285, the rain pelted us as we approached Johnson Village.

      The storm and us soon parted ways and we made another stop at Poncha Springs to take off our rain gear now that it was nice and hot. We ran back east on US-50 keeping an eye on the storm to the north. Back to Cotopaxi cutoff, south on CO-69 and back to our respective sites.

      I went into town in searching vain for postcards at Lowe’s Market. I noticed the storm approaching when I went in and decided to make it a short stay. I raced, and I mean raced back to the cabin to dismount just as the first drops fell, the sheets or rain. Mike and Ru rode in soaked to the gills. After 30 minutes or so the storm moved on to the east.

      Bonz, Joe, Colton, Mike, Ru cleaned up what was left in the fridge and relaxed with some brews and began some preliminary cleaning.

      July 22, Monday.

      Bonz and I cleaned the cabin and our respective spaces. We then helped loaded Joe’s bike in his truck and Colton’s ride on the trailer. They departed soon followed by Mike and Ru. Bonz cleaned up that cabin then gave me one last pushback.

      We rode 69, then 50 to Canõn City for gas then east on 50 to Fremont County Rd 123 to 115. We made on last stop in Colorado Springs for a directions update and final handshake. Minnowing through the traffic we gained access to I-25 and were soon headed north at a good clip. He veered off at Woodmoor pointing me north and giving me a final wave.

      I gained I-225, then east I-70 to loop back around south to Sable and Colfax where Dwayne was spending his last night. He walked and I hobbled to dinner, using the full 40 seconds to cross the major thoroughfares. After an OK cheesesteak at Jersey Mikes, we headed back to the hotel counting down the time until our departures.

      July 21, Tuesday.

      Dwayne and I had breakfast, then he went down for a 0900 pickup. I left around 0945 to turn in my slightly scarred FJR to Eaglerider. I told them of the damage and filled out an incident report. Good thing I accepted the 0 deductible damage insurance. Lyft took me to the airport where I waited several hours for my 1600 flight to Dulles. My son picked me up in hot and steamy Dulles, a storm having just passed through.


      Some great rides on some great roads through parts of Colorado I have not yet seen. Enjoyed the two passes. Pikes Peak would’ve been a bit more enjoyable without the wait, pulled hamstring and weather. And I enjoyed the fellowship with these new Xssives.

      A shout out to Dwayne for introducing me to Eaglerider, recommending 0 deductible damage and theft insurance, and motivating me to learn how to use Lyft.

      80G project


      • #63
        Click image for larger version

Name:	20240718_175018.jpg
Views:	76
Size:	187.0 KB
ID:	881062Char, Dwayne and me at the Westcliffe Conoco. Click image for larger version

Name:	20240718_184428.jpg
Views:	77
Size:	253.1 KB
ID:	881063 Digging in at Chappys
        80G project


        • #64
          Click image for larger version

Name:	20240719_113614.jpg
Views:	79
Size:	144.1 KB
ID:	881065 Bikes back upright after the 1st event of the First Great Pikes Peak Bike Tipover Click image for larger version

Name:	20240719_130849.jpg
Views:	68
Size:	257.3 KB
ID:	881066 Pikes Peak
          80G project


          • #65
            Click image for larger version

Name:	20240720_104320.jpg
Views:	69
Size:	145.8 KB
ID:	881068 Skyline Drive, pics don't do it justice. Click image for larger version

Name:	20240720_104502.jpg
Views:	70
Size:	142.2 KB
ID:	881069 Mike, take a few more steps back
            80G project


            • #66
              Click image for larger version

Name:	20240720_123512.jpg
Views:	67
Size:	146.5 KB
ID:	881071 Bishops Castle, Bonz ascending. Click image for larger version

Name:	20240721_082929.jpg
Views:	67
Size:	199.9 KB
ID:	881072 A great view from the Conoco
              80G project


              • #67
                Click image for larger version

Name:	20240721_133413.jpg
Views:	67
Size:	143.8 KB
ID:	881074 Joe and bikes waiting for the storm to pass. Click image for larger version

Name:	20240721_141907.jpg
Views:	66
Size:	142.5 KB
ID:	881075 Cottonwood Pass facing east.
                80G project


                • #68
                  Mike and Ru at the Cotopaxi cutoff Click image for larger version

Name:	20240721_163630.jpg
Views:	72
Size:	140.1 KB
ID:	881077 Mike, look at the storm coming Click image for larger version

Name:	20240721_163644.jpg
Views:	70
Size:	139.5 KB
ID:	881078
                  80G project


                  • #69
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	20240722_085155.jpg
Views:	66
Size:	142.2 KB
ID:	881080 Loading Joe's bike. Click image for larger version

Name:	20240722_085158.jpg
Views:	65
Size:	141.1 KB
ID:	881081 Mike and Ru's bikes loading,
                    80G project


                    • #70
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	20240723_213750.jpg
Views:	66
Size:	161.6 KB
ID:	881083 Through the Dulles airport tunnel
                      80G project


                      • #71
                        Thanks for the write up and report, Darrell! Appreciate you guys that come from the coasts for the organizing and details you have to go through to do this, for making the trip and taking the time. Looking forward to next time around and had a great time with everyone as is the usual. This is a special group of guys that is hard to find, I appreciate everyone.


                        BTW, ZRX carbs have the same spacing as the XS11...

