Eight bikes, two are XS11's, two BMW, one V-Star, 3 FJR.
Both XS11's run great; Schming's is pretty cool.
Very warm, but otherwise good weather.
Nortj Bend lodge is remarkable unchanged from last rally here, still nice though.
Mostly great roads, some crappy roads, it's WV, getting all that we expected. Getting some worthy wear on the sides of the tires .
GPS changed couple small parts of the route, in one case sent us down what turned into a 4-wheeler path. Not sure why it's doing that. Minor mishaps which are noteworthy if you are new to this, just another GPS riding adventure in WV for the seasoned (well, except for Sally's knee.. ).
We were excitedly welcomed at the Belair Bistro lunch stop by the owner. She greeted us with a "Welcome Bikers" sign.
High hopes and great expectations for the Sunday ride, lunch at the famous Quinnett's Court.
Both XS11's run great; Schming's is pretty cool.
Very warm, but otherwise good weather.
Nortj Bend lodge is remarkable unchanged from last rally here, still nice though.
Mostly great roads, some crappy roads, it's WV, getting all that we expected. Getting some worthy wear on the sides of the tires .
GPS changed couple small parts of the route, in one case sent us down what turned into a 4-wheeler path. Not sure why it's doing that. Minor mishaps which are noteworthy if you are new to this, just another GPS riding adventure in WV for the seasoned (well, except for Sally's knee.. ).
We were excitedly welcomed at the Belair Bistro lunch stop by the owner. She greeted us with a "Welcome Bikers" sign.
High hopes and great expectations for the Sunday ride, lunch at the famous Quinnett's Court.