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1st Question this time! Subject: brakes

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  • 1st Question this time! Subject: brakes

    Greetings! I have a 1979 XS1100sf Special. After getting her just the way I wanted I unfortunately put her in storage for 8 years. When I picked her up the front brake lever had no pressure, and the master cylinder was empty. I cannot tell where it went to as I don't see any signs of a leak. I had rebuilt both calipers and the master a couple of years before storing the bike.

    I'm thinking of just replacing the entire brake system instead of rebuilding it again. I have a few questions about that. First, I see that I will need a master cylinder with a 16mm piston. Will any master with a 16mm piston for a 7/8" bar work (without modifications)? What about a radial one?

    The other question that I had was that I read that Brembo makes a bolt on replacement caliper for the standard, but the posts all seem to indicate that it will not work on a special. Is there a different part number or manufacturer that makes one that bolts on to the special?

    Yes, I will be updating to new SS lines. 😎

  • #2


    • #3

      Thank you for the quick reply. I saw that thread, and I will probably go that route. I was trying to get one without the mount for the mirror as I have bar end mirrors to install. I know that I can just put a bolt in the hole. Although I do have to find a reverse threaded bolt for one side.

      Desert Dave


      • #4
        Brembo also makes a sweet 16mm coffin style M/C, no mirror optional, and will work perfect with SS lines and the OEM caliper piston dimensions. Unfortunately there are no decent upgrade calipers for the Specials, have to make the originals do.
        2H7 (79) owned since '89
        3H3 owned since '06

        "If it ain't broke, modify it"



        • #5
          I would rebuild original parts if that is an option.
          Jeff Korn
          Original Owner 79XS1100 E
          Yamaha Warrior has come and gone


          • #6
            Brembo 16mm with no mirror mount. Nice part.


            Click image for larger version

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Size:	41.9 KB
ID:	879215


            • #7
              Originally posted by DEEBS11 View Post
              Brembo 16mm with no mirror mount. Nice part.
              No doubt. I've been running one for 10 years and it still performs and looks like brand new. This was recommended to me by vintage brake guru Michael "Mercury" Morse of vintage brakes as an excellent upgrade for the Special's lackluster brakes. The unit is powdercoated so no paint to peel off through the years. That front mounting bracket can also be swapped out for a L or R hand threaded mirror mount.
              Last edited by bikerphil; 04-24-2024, 06:20 AM.
              2H7 (79) owned since '89
              3H3 owned since '06

              "If it ain't broke, modify it"



              • #8
                Phil, I am thinking of going Brembo myself. This unit is the same with the mirror mount attached. I drilled out my clutch side mirror mount and Heli-coiled it for right hand thread.


                Click image for larger version

Name:	s-l1600123.jpg
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Size:	58.6 KB
ID:	879218


                • #9
                  Clamp/mirror mount.


                  Click image for larger version

Name:	s-l1600brake.jpg
Views:	98
Size:	125.6 KB
ID:	879220


                  • #10
                    You won't regret it, it has such an overall quality linear feel at the level. Too bad it isn't offered in a 14mm which is the optimal match for the Standard's calipers. I'm running the 13mm version on my Standard, lever is a tad mushy, but still has excellent stopping power. I can lock the front wheel at 40 mph if needed.
                    2H7 (79) owned since '89
                    3H3 owned since '06

                    "If it ain't broke, modify it"



                    • #11
                      Thank you gentlemen! That's a lot of good information 😸

                      I really like the look of this one, but a little iffy on the seller. I can't seem to find it elsewhere either 😞


                      Since I will need to rebuild my calipers has anyone used Brake Crafters? I like that it comes with a stainless steel piston.



                      • #12
                        Phil, you talked me into it. It's on the way. Thanks.


                        • #13
                          Dave, yes I have used product from Brakecrafters and it's top notch stuff.

                          DEEBS, right on!
                          2H7 (79) owned since '89
                          3H3 owned since '06

                          "If it ain't broke, modify it"



                          • #14
                            Sweet! Then I shall order from them.

