Due to circumstances I had to get rid of my 1980 Special. But lately I have gotten the bug and have been looking for another XS11. I came across a 1978 that looks pretty rough but has bags and a fairing. I spoke with the owner and he said he bought off an elderly gentleman last fall with plans to work on it this spring, however he bought another bike and wants to get rid of this one. Here's the odd part, the elderly man said he was tired of charging the small motorcycle batteries so he ran some cable to one of the side bags and hooked it up to a regular size car battery. The owner says now the motor will turn over and act like it wants to fire but wont and he believes hooking up the car battery fried the stator. So what do you gentlemen think? Could the car battery have fried the stator and how much of a deal is it to find another and change it? I am hoping he left the original cables and I can go back to the original size battery and gain use of that bag also. Thought, comments and suggestions welcomed.