Here's the "new" bike. 78E Canadian. It runs. Not well, but it runs. My first jobs will be to check the valve lash, cam chain tension, and diaphragms.
It's mostly there. No headlight, as it was faired. Replacement shocks. Has the 4 into two Jardine spaghetti pipes with crossover. Starting it up brought over the neighbour who rides a 92' Yamaha virago 1100. We concluded over a beer that the pipes sound real nice.
Titled and registered
The good.

The bad.

The ugly.
It's mostly there. No headlight, as it was faired. Replacement shocks. Has the 4 into two Jardine spaghetti pipes with crossover. Starting it up brought over the neighbour who rides a 92' Yamaha virago 1100. We concluded over a beer that the pipes sound real nice.
Titled and registered
The good.
The bad.
The ugly.