Don't get me wrong James, Gabe's attitude is amazing with his engineer mind. I know there are some really brilliant minds on this site that can do extraordinary things with their hands, ] I also believe based on the lack of certain mods mentioned on this site (such as coil relay mod), that a good majority of owners already knew of the mod based-off experience in the past, or whatever. One thing I've noticed on this site over the GS site is that the XS owners seem to already have a wide berth of knowledge in the electro-mechanical area prior to these bikes. The alternative idea is that they've either owned these bikes for quite awhile, or had other bikes prior to their XS to accumulate the knowledge they have. Kudos to Gabe and other engineers on here for applying their in-depth understanding of electrical formulas that I have long-forgotten about, nor will probably ever use again. I can guarantee my knowledge of sizing an industrial transformer will never come in handy on this site, lol. Another thing, tgus site is not an avenue to be a show-off or smarty pants. We all know what we know in life, let's be humble about the knowledge and find the most direct way of sharing the info.
Again, for the sake of this thread, I'll post two links. One is the main page of useful info sharing similar stuff as our bikes, the second link pertains to a coil relay mod on GS bikes.
Again, for the sake of this thread, I'll post two links. One is the main page of useful info sharing similar stuff as our bikes, the second link pertains to a coil relay mod on GS bikes.