I finally took the plunge and pulled the carbs to rebuild them this weekend.
The carb 101 tech tip is priceless! There were a few issues (because I an doing this on a 79) but otherwise it was spot on.
The first 3 pilot jets came out perfectly, but the last one stripped out. So I used the star bit from the precision screw set that I got for this job and jammed it in the hole in the pilot jet (after soaking it for 2 days in Liquid Wrench) and it came out easy peasy.
Since the carbs hadn't been off in a long time and looked like this:

I figured that I needed to break the rack and clean everything really well. So slight problem...The screws were very stubborn and then the choke linkage was not cooperative and one of the little screws on there is completely FUBAR (so I will have to figure out how to fix that) but everything came apart and nothing broke.
I soaked them for 12 hours in Yamalube and then scrubbed them down and soaked them for another 8. Then I sprayed them down with Berryman's carb cleaner and used a toothbrush and Q-Tips to get everything as clean as I could. Then I sprayed everything out with compressed air.
I might have missed the part about making sure that I keep track of everything. I kept all the internal parts separate and only from the carb that they came from, but I sort of forgot which carb was which since I had to soak them two at a time.
So how do I tell which carb is which? I know the idle screw is in the middle and I think I can figure out the ends, but are there any other tell tale signs?
Last question. Should I use anti-seize when I reassemble so that I don't have a problem cleaning in the future? Would what be washed out by the fuel? Thanks for all the help.
The carb 101 tech tip is priceless! There were a few issues (because I an doing this on a 79) but otherwise it was spot on.
The first 3 pilot jets came out perfectly, but the last one stripped out. So I used the star bit from the precision screw set that I got for this job and jammed it in the hole in the pilot jet (after soaking it for 2 days in Liquid Wrench) and it came out easy peasy.
Since the carbs hadn't been off in a long time and looked like this:

I figured that I needed to break the rack and clean everything really well. So slight problem...The screws were very stubborn and then the choke linkage was not cooperative and one of the little screws on there is completely FUBAR (so I will have to figure out how to fix that) but everything came apart and nothing broke.
I soaked them for 12 hours in Yamalube and then scrubbed them down and soaked them for another 8. Then I sprayed them down with Berryman's carb cleaner and used a toothbrush and Q-Tips to get everything as clean as I could. Then I sprayed everything out with compressed air.
I might have missed the part about making sure that I keep track of everything. I kept all the internal parts separate and only from the carb that they came from, but I sort of forgot which carb was which since I had to soak them two at a time.
So how do I tell which carb is which? I know the idle screw is in the middle and I think I can figure out the ends, but are there any other tell tale signs?
Last question. Should I use anti-seize when I reassemble so that I don't have a problem cleaning in the future? Would what be washed out by the fuel? Thanks for all the help.