They're definitely different, Pete, and it figures the Aussies/Euros would get better parts with fancy brass ferrules an' everything and no glue slopped all over them. 
Of course you know that now I need a set for my collection! (twitch)
I don't know where Yamaha got the speedometers and tachometers. There could be different variations on in-house builds or in-house builds made for different regions; internal working parts made by subcontractor(s) and stuffed into their fancy outer painted/chromed shells by Yamaha or even complete assemblies delivered already sealed and calibrated by the sub(s) and pulled out of the latest box o' clocks on the assembly line.

Of course you know that now I need a set for my collection! (twitch)

I don't know where Yamaha got the speedometers and tachometers. There could be different variations on in-house builds or in-house builds made for different regions; internal working parts made by subcontractor(s) and stuffed into their fancy outer painted/chromed shells by Yamaha or even complete assemblies delivered already sealed and calibrated by the sub(s) and pulled out of the latest box o' clocks on the assembly line.