I'm putting my '80 SG carbs back together and the parts fiche is unhelpful...
I'm looking for the idle mixture screws and those are aren't shown ('Those are tamper proof! Dealer only! Whatcha doin' in there, boy?'
), but when installing, I assume the o-ring goes in first, then the little washer, then the spring and screw? By the time I got mine out, and as cruddy as they were, it was pretty tough to tell what was what...
Two comments... I know some don't like to split the rack, but I found a lot of crud behind the fuel tees. If your carbs are particularly nasty, this spot bears looking at. The other comment is make sure you clean the hole the emulsion tube goes in. I found that if this hole is actually clean, the tube drops right in. If you have to push or wiggle it, you've still got crud in there.... I used a small gun bore brush; worked great!
I'm looking for the idle mixture screws and those are aren't shown ('Those are tamper proof! Dealer only! Whatcha doin' in there, boy?'

Two comments... I know some don't like to split the rack, but I found a lot of crud behind the fuel tees. If your carbs are particularly nasty, this spot bears looking at. The other comment is make sure you clean the hole the emulsion tube goes in. I found that if this hole is actually clean, the tube drops right in. If you have to push or wiggle it, you've still got crud in there.... I used a small gun bore brush; worked great!