You should be fine, Skids. A little too loose is better than a little too tight. You're not going to get factory-new specs on a used final drive with a used crush washer anyway but it should be in the low to middle ranges unless the drive is worn out.
If the bearing preload is good but the pinion nut isn't tight enough to stay in place it will slowly back off until you get loose-shopping-cart-wheel syndrome on the final drive coupler/pinion shaft and it will eventually destroy itself.
Set the preload a fine frog hair under spec on the pinion bearings and use blue Loctite on the pinion nut if you're concerned about it coming loose while you ride; red Loctite if you're totally paranoid or just plain batspit crazy and make sure your OSHA red Loctite permit is complete and up to date before you sell the bike to anyone else.
If the bearing preload is good but the pinion nut isn't tight enough to stay in place it will slowly back off until you get loose-shopping-cart-wheel syndrome on the final drive coupler/pinion shaft and it will eventually destroy itself.
Set the preload a fine frog hair under spec on the pinion bearings and use blue Loctite on the pinion nut if you're concerned about it coming loose while you ride; red Loctite if you're totally paranoid or just plain batspit crazy and make sure your OSHA red Loctite permit is complete and up to date before you sell the bike to anyone else.
