Hey TC,
Don't sweat it, as I've got real thick skin!

BTW-The Roman Candles give you that blast off effect, plus it's in TECHNICOLOR!

Most of what I suggested was just to give Ivan something to chew on, not that he needs anything. I figgered he was going to light Greg's candles for him!

For Peter, I feel his problem (three years-wow) almost has to be mechanical but not the wear kind (IE as in bearings, etc..) There is no way I can see him having some constant issue that can't be fixed. Kinked or plugged fuel line (delivery system) would be the first thing I would look for.
As for GURU, I don't think so, but thanks. I am an expert in my field (including mechanics) and have heavy knowledge in a lot of side trades, but I have a long way to go to know the ins and outs on these bikes. I know just enough electrical to be dangerous and the carburetion talent is iffy. Just glad to know there are members far more advanced in those areas.
Didn't mean to appear to be stepping on any toes here!
Now I think I'll shove a bundle of bottle rockets into my seat to get that extra boost of power .....they have a more consistent power output vs. the pulsing of roman candles!
Now I think I'll shove a bundle of bottle rockets into my seat to get that extra boost of power .....they have a more consistent power output vs. the pulsing of roman candles!

BTW-The Roman Candles give you that blast off effect, plus it's in TECHNICOLOR!

Most of what I suggested was just to give Ivan something to chew on, not that he needs anything. I figgered he was going to light Greg's candles for him!

For Peter, I feel his problem (three years-wow) almost has to be mechanical but not the wear kind (IE as in bearings, etc..) There is no way I can see him having some constant issue that can't be fixed. Kinked or plugged fuel line (delivery system) would be the first thing I would look for.
As for GURU, I don't think so, but thanks. I am an expert in my field (including mechanics) and have heavy knowledge in a lot of side trades, but I have a long way to go to know the ins and outs on these bikes. I know just enough electrical to be dangerous and the carburetion talent is iffy. Just glad to know there are members far more advanced in those areas.
