Brian - been doing a little looking around, and here's what I've been able to come up with so far. First, lets start with the parts image for an 81SH - same brakes, same clips, but for some reason the yamaha fiche doesn't show part numbers on the sg but does for the sh.

The parts you are looking for are 9-22 (2G2-25919-00-00) and 10-23 (2G2-25849-01-00).
I found an outfit that lists the 9-22 for $8.16 ea. Here's a link - NW Vintage Cycle Parts. I checked the cost for shipping to New Zealand at the US Post Office, and the cheapest you can send a 1 pound package was around $10. That's probably a slow boat to New Zealand, and I don't know if NW will ship that way. Air shipment was outrageous as I'm sure you're aware. You might try e-mailing them for the details.
On part 10-23, I'm drawing a blank so far. Found an outfit that had them in the UK, but alas, they seem to be gone. I did however find a good image of the part. Here it is -

Although I can't find the part, they don't look too terrible difficult to make out of some sheet steel. Judging by the look of your shop from the fork polishing thread, you're pretty good with your hands. I don't know if any other members could provide dimensions, but I would be willing to bet you could come pretty close using your existing parts and knowing where they go.
I'm still going to try the other source tomorrow, and I'll let you know what I find out.

The parts you are looking for are 9-22 (2G2-25919-00-00) and 10-23 (2G2-25849-01-00).
I found an outfit that lists the 9-22 for $8.16 ea. Here's a link - NW Vintage Cycle Parts. I checked the cost for shipping to New Zealand at the US Post Office, and the cheapest you can send a 1 pound package was around $10. That's probably a slow boat to New Zealand, and I don't know if NW will ship that way. Air shipment was outrageous as I'm sure you're aware. You might try e-mailing them for the details.
On part 10-23, I'm drawing a blank so far. Found an outfit that had them in the UK, but alas, they seem to be gone. I did however find a good image of the part. Here it is -

Although I can't find the part, they don't look too terrible difficult to make out of some sheet steel. Judging by the look of your shop from the fork polishing thread, you're pretty good with your hands. I don't know if any other members could provide dimensions, but I would be willing to bet you could come pretty close using your existing parts and knowing where they go.
I'm still going to try the other source tomorrow, and I'll let you know what I find out.