Hi gman,
Did you check out that thread that I posted a link to? If you look again you'll see it had a happy ending and you will see some nice pictures of all the crap that builds up on the front two studs.
I spent 3 months getting mine off. I even tried winching them off , I used so much force that the barrels were lifting 1mm at the edges but nothing in the middle. If yours are stuck like mine a hammer is never going to shift them.

The only way I could get mine off was to make up a tool to go down over the studs and cut away all the crap which builds up at the base of the front studs.

The other member in the thread did it by using o-ring picks to slowly work the crap out of the way...
Nice truck BTW renegade
Did you check out that thread that I posted a link to? If you look again you'll see it had a happy ending and you will see some nice pictures of all the crap that builds up on the front two studs.
I spent 3 months getting mine off. I even tried winching them off , I used so much force that the barrels were lifting 1mm at the edges but nothing in the middle. If yours are stuck like mine a hammer is never going to shift them.

The only way I could get mine off was to make up a tool to go down over the studs and cut away all the crap which builds up at the base of the front studs.

The other member in the thread did it by using o-ring picks to slowly work the crap out of the way...
Nice truck BTW renegade
