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  • #31
    No Go

    Switched primary leads on coils and 2&3 worked so coils are ok .
    Checked wires over again .Pickups test ok . Re-soldered TCI as per Randy's page but ... still no go .
    Avon rubber
    MikesXS black coils
    Iridium plugs w/ 1k caps
    MikesXS front master
    Paragon SS brake lines (unlinked)
    Loud Horns (Stebel/Fiamm)
    Progressive fork springs
    CIBIE headlight reflector
    YICS Eliminator


    • #32
      Gotta TCI

      Everything good from spark plugs to TCI . Pickups are 123 ohms each (spec is 120 ohms) at the connector at the TCI . Guess I'm in the market for a TCI .
      Avon rubber
      MikesXS black coils
      Iridium plugs w/ 1k caps
      MikesXS front master
      Paragon SS brake lines (unlinked)
      Loud Horns (Stebel/Fiamm)
      Progressive fork springs
      CIBIE headlight reflector
      YICS Eliminator


      • #33

        Drove hours today to get a TCI that "would work" . It came off a 8? XS1100 . Got home . No Go . Opened it up and it is different . Looks like the plug from the pickups is ordered differently.
        Avon rubber
        MikesXS black coils
        Iridium plugs w/ 1k caps
        MikesXS front master
        Paragon SS brake lines (unlinked)
        Loud Horns (Stebel/Fiamm)
        Progressive fork springs
        CIBIE headlight reflector
        YICS Eliminator


        • #34
          Hey Axel,

          Sorry to hear about your gas expenditure only to get the wrong TCI! You've got the XJ1100, and Yamaha only made it for 1 year in the US, a few more for Canada, but they are fairly rare and $$ when you do find them. They will have the 10M prefix on them!

          IF I had an XJ and the TCI died, I think I would see about getting the other ignition parts for a 78-80XS11 that fit onto the timing plate....and replace the XJ's one with the Cent. and Vacuum advance parts, the pickups, and use the TCI from the earlier machine.

          The XJ incorporates both timing curves into it's programming. You wouldn't need the boost sensor, you'd be using the manual one instead! Might be cheaper in the long run, and will allow you to then service the TCI easier, even replacing it with GM parts if you wanted to! I would think Andreas would have those parts!? JAT!

          Someone got a replacement unit from a place "down under", but it didn't incorporate the vacuum sensor and curve, just the standard cent. advance curve! Good Luck.
          T. C. Gresham
          81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
          79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
          History shows again and again,
          How nature points out the folly of men!


          • #35

            Opened them up and figured the ground is in a different place on the pickup plug . Pulled out the terminals and put them in the apropriate place and BAM ,away it went . Just got bacand wow it runs like a XS
            Avon rubber
            MikesXS black coils
            Iridium plugs w/ 1k caps
            MikesXS front master
            Paragon SS brake lines (unlinked)
            Loud Horns (Stebel/Fiamm)
            Progressive fork springs
            CIBIE headlight reflector
            YICS Eliminator


            • #36
              Hey Axel,

              Like I said above, you won't have any advance curve action at all, you're running at a stagnant amount of advance depending on the location of the PU coils! You'll have possibly less mileage when cruising, and possibly less power under load. If it's not advanced enough, it'll overheat also!

              So glad you are able to ride it, but I think you should still look into what I had said about swapping some of the timing plate/rotor parts!
              T. C. Gresham
              81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
              79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
              History shows again and again,
              How nature points out the folly of men!


              • #37

                It runs and how...The TCI is from a XS with a vac sensor and stationery timing plate/pickups just like mine. It works great . I just came back from a lengthy ride and there's more power and more even acceleration all around so the advance thing must be happening .
                I like it !!!
                Avon rubber
                MikesXS black coils
                Iridium plugs w/ 1k caps
                MikesXS front master
                Paragon SS brake lines (unlinked)
                Loud Horns (Stebel/Fiamm)
                Progressive fork springs
                CIBIE headlight reflector
                YICS Eliminator


                • #38
                  Hey Axel,

                  The only XS with a stationary timing plate and vacuum sensor is an XJ11, so you must have gotten one from an XJ, and the seller didn't know what he had!? Did you look at the box to see IF is says 10M-##### vs. 2H7 or 4RO? If 10M, then you are indeed good to go! Otherwise, would be nice to have you put a timing light on it to see where it's set at!

                  Minibikes and chainsaws and leafblower motors have a preset amount of timing advance so they can run a decent range of rpms with power, they aren't usually run at low rpms!

                  However, IF it was an XJ's 10M, then you shouldn't have had to change it's wiring layout?! The 81's 4RO unit has the Cent Timing built into it, but it uses the Vacuum Advance/Retard unit at the timing plate, not a separate box like the XJ. The 4RO's aren't any more available than the 10M's, again only made for 1 year!

                  SO..please tell us what the # is on the TCI. That way we can possibly at least make a tech tip for folks with an XJ that gets fried, they could possibly use the 4Ro's, with your wiring MOD!
                  T. C. Gresham
                  81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
                  79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
                  History shows again and again,
                  How nature points out the folly of men!


                  • #39
                    TCI better

                    I believe I have a 4RO . It doesnt say 10M and the inards are different . On the bike I saw the 8 tang plug was exactly like mine (color-coded) but the 4 tang pickup plug was colored different and turns out ordered different . Never the less , I have put some miles on this TCI and it seems better than my old one .
                    Avon rubber
                    MikesXS black coils
                    Iridium plugs w/ 1k caps
                    MikesXS front master
                    Paragon SS brake lines (unlinked)
                    Loud Horns (Stebel/Fiamm)
                    Progressive fork springs
                    CIBIE headlight reflector
                    YICS Eliminator


                    • #40
                      XJ re-ordered pickup plug to use 4RO TCI

                      Hey . My TCI says: TYPE TID14 - 04
                      4RO - 10

                      It is just like the one pictured on Randy's page .

                      On the pickup plug(4-pin) the XS used a colored wire and a ground for each pickup .The XJ uses one ground wire for both pickups and a orangewire for one and grey wire for the other (same as the ignition coil wires.The XS pickup plug seems to be ordered the oposite of the XJ pickup plug. Using a needle I removed the connectors from the plug . The grounds are redundant so I put my one ground wire (black)on the other side and switched the pickup wires (orange and grey ) over as well coresponding to the coil wires (orange and grey) on the far side of the TCI on the 8-pin plug .
                      Avon rubber
                      MikesXS black coils
                      Iridium plugs w/ 1k caps
                      MikesXS front master
                      Paragon SS brake lines (unlinked)
                      Loud Horns (Stebel/Fiamm)
                      Progressive fork springs
                      CIBIE headlight reflector
                      YICS Eliminator


                      • #41

                        I wouldnt be surprised if someone had worked on this 4RO before as all the gummy coating had been scrubbed off th PCB.
                        I have my 10M apart and have found a questionable solder joint on the big transistor that goes with the coil that wasnt working.
                        Could it be that easy ? I doubt it .
                        Avon rubber
                        MikesXS black coils
                        Iridium plugs w/ 1k caps
                        MikesXS front master
                        Paragon SS brake lines (unlinked)
                        Loud Horns (Stebel/Fiamm)
                        Progressive fork springs
                        CIBIE headlight reflector
                        YICS Eliminator

