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no acceleration, lacks power,gotta feather clutch to get goin

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  • #16
    Fred, Before I found this site, thats what my Dad and I ended up doing to his carbs. They were ok at first but a couple thousand miles later they are completely shot. I would only use it if you get the seals out
    United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
    If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
    "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
    "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
    Acta Non Verba


    • #17
      OK so far.

      Hobbyman sez:-
      Fred, Before I found this site, thats what my Dad and I ended up doing to his carbs. They were ok at first but a couple thousand miles later they are completely shot. I would only use it if you get the seals out.
      Hi Hobbyman,
      too effin' late, mate, I orlready dunnit.
      I have dip-cleaned 2 sets of V4 Honda carbs, a pair of XS650 carbs, my own XS11 carbs 2 years back and again this spring using the "less than 4 hours" rule. Actually Mr Impatient brought the average dip time down to less than 3. I can only say that it's so far so good on all of them but only time will tell and that I hope you and your Dad's bad result won't happen in my case.
      BTW, I'm sure it's a time-related thing, how long were your carbs in the dip?
      Fred Hill, S'toon.
      Fred Hill, S'toon
      XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
      "The Flying Pumpkin"


      • #18
        Maby my dip is made from different chemicals or something. Who knows. The label wore of my can years ago. It was long ago when it was done but they weren't in there very long. I used to use it all the time on my seized RC airplane engines.
        United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
        If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
        "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
        "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
        Acta Non Verba


        • #19
          My can's also anonymous.

          Hi Hobbyman,
          My canful of carb dip lost it's lettering too.
          (There's a message in this?) My jollop has an oily surface that the can used to say was to stop the stuff evaporating and it's some kinda soluble solvent, like a cutting oil, wash it away with water and the water/dip mix turns milky white.
          I should experiment, take a cupful and soak an o-ring in it to see how it stands up. Deja-Vu time, my first apprentice job was a test rig for 0-rings in first generation synthetic lubricants. No more than 30% swelling after 24 hours was the acceptance rate. Some of those rings after test, you had to wipe off the test mandrel with a rag.
          Fred Hill, S'toon.
          Fred Hill, S'toon
          XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
          "The Flying Pumpkin"

