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My XS11 Progress Thread

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  • #16
    @John nice spot on the black bear, I was wondering if anyone would notice My dad shot it in Canada last year and is in the finishing stages of making it into a rug

    @hamjam fender for sure

    @BA80 I agree that its a bummer for the frame to be hacked like that, but hey, I can try something new and make it look cool! (hopefully)

    80 XS11 G: Project bike


    • #17
      Trouble, thy name is wiring

      So, it seems that the PO did a bit of re-wiring...not a pretty sight and probably the reason for the fusebox fire.

      This is the fusebox now. I will be mapping out the wiring by hand to see what is missing and/or changed from original in order to find out what needs to be done to get it running again.

      Along the way, I realized that I am missing a flasher relay. Is this something that I will be needing right away to get it running? Secondly, does anyone know of a replacement part and where I might be able to order it from? I checked on the Yamaha website, but it will not allow me to put anything into my wishlist.

      Thanks guys.

      80 XS11 G: Project bike


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bassman View Post

        This is the fusebox now. I will be mapping out the wiring by hand to see what is missing and/or changed from original in order to find out what needs to be done to get it running again.

        Along the way, I realized that I am missing a flasher relay. Is this something that I will be needing right away to get it running? Secondly, does anyone know of a replacement part and where I might be able to order it from? I checked on the Yamah web site, but it will not allow me to put anything into my wishlist.

        Thanks guys.
        You wont need a flasher relay to make it run, just to make it road legal. These bikes came with a 3 prong flasher and have an auto cancel function. If you dont care to keep that function you can pick a 2 prong one up at the auto parts store for cheap. Try shearching for a few key works like flasher or flasher relay and you might stumble across the part number I posted... (use the advanced search function and you can search posts by members names, my name might produce a part number from auto zone).
        '79 XS11 F
        Stock except K&N

        '79 XS11 SF
        Stock, no title.

        '84 Chevy K-10 "Big Blue"
        GM 350, Muncie SM465, NP208, GM 10 Bolt with 3.42gears turnin 31x10.5 Baja Claws

        "What they do have is an implacable, unrelenting presence and movement that bespeaks massive power lurking behind paint and chrome. They don't wail like a screeching ninja, the don't rumble like a harley. They just growl like a spactic, stressed out badger waiting to rip your face off and eat your soul." Trainzz~RIP~


        • #19
          I took a break from looking at the wiring diagram today and decided to redo the seat. As you can see from the pics at the beginning of the post, it was partially burned and pretty ratty.

          I used this site as a guide. It has a bunch of great info if anyone is interested:

          Here are a couple of pics as well:

          An electric bread knife works incredibly well for shaping the contours.

          80 XS11 G: Project bike


          • #20
            That Granite seat looks very hard!

            John is in an anonymous city with an Alamo (N29.519227,W-98.678980)

            Go ahead, click on the bikes - you know you want to...the electrons are ready.
            '81 XS1100H - "Enterprise"
            Bob Jones Custom Navy bike: Tkat brace, EBC floating rotors & SS lines, ROX pivot risers, Geezer rectifier, new 3H3 engine

            "Not all treasure is silver and gold"


            • #21
              But at least it looks good and doubles as a cutting board!

              80 XS11 G: Project bike


              • #22

                So I finally caved and bought a replacement wiring harness and wow, what a difference!Things actually match the wiring diagram!

                Anyway, my newest problem that I have run into is my ignition. It seems the PO was just going to strip it all down and just have a manual hand switch to turn the bike on and off and, thus, cut all of the wires off of the ignition. This is not such a big deal as I can replace the wiring. What does seem to be an issue is that the ignition will not turn to the "park" or "lock" positions.

                Does anyone have any ideas for how to fix this? Or should I just get a new one?


                80 XS11 G: Project bike


                • #23
                  You have to have the steering turned all the way to the right or left to get it to lock. I have to kinda wiggle mine to get it to turn. Be sure not to leave it all the way in the park position very long or it will kill your battery. BTDT.

                  In the park position your tail light stays on.

                  Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

                  ― Albert Einstein

                  80 SG Ol' Okie;79 engine & carbs w/pods, 45 pilots, 140 mains, Custom Mac 4 into 2 exhaust, ACCT,XS850 final drive,110/90/19 front tire,TKat fork brace, XS750 140 MPH speedometer, Vetter IV fairing, aftermarket hard bags and trunk, LG high back seat, XJ rear shocks.

                  The list changes.


                  • #24
                    Haha, I haven't even gotten to the point where I could deal with that problem!

                    The problem I am having is that the key will not even turn to the left past OFF.

                    Thanks though!

                    80 XS11 G: Project bike


                    • #25
                      Nevermind, WD40 is incredible and worked like a charm!

                      80 XS11 G: Project bike


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Bassman View Post
                        Nevermind, WD40 is incredible and worked like a charm!
                        And now you need to pull the ignition switch out, take it apart and actually clean it. WD40 gets VERY sticky and gummy after it dries. Clean it with silicon spray and then lubricate it with graphite.

                        μολὼν λαβέ

                        1978 XS1100E
                        K&N Filter
                        #45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
                        OEM Exhaust
                        ATK Fork Brace
                        LED Dash lights
                        Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters

                        Green Monster Coils
                        SS Brake Lines
                        Vision 550 Auto Tensioner

                        In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

                        Theodore Roosevelt


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Bassman View Post
                          Nevermind, WD40 is incredible and worked like a charm!
                          For another month or two... +1 What Nate said...
                          '79 XS11 F
                          Stock except K&N

                          '79 XS11 SF
                          Stock, no title.

                          '84 Chevy K-10 "Big Blue"
                          GM 350, Muncie SM465, NP208, GM 10 Bolt with 3.42gears turnin 31x10.5 Baja Claws

                          "What they do have is an implacable, unrelenting presence and movement that bespeaks massive power lurking behind paint and chrome. They don't wail like a screeching ninja, the don't rumble like a harley. They just growl like a spactic, stressed out badger waiting to rip your face off and eat your soul." Trainzz~RIP~


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Bassman View Post
                            Nevermind, WD40 is incredible and worked like a charm!
                            Hi Andrew,
                            WD40 is NOT a lubricant or a penetrating oil although it's carrier fluid does a kinda OK job at either.
                            That aside, good luck with the resurrection.
                            If the mad butcher didn't throw out all the parts he unbolted or sawed off, try if you can retrieve them and weld them back on.
                            An XS11 has the potential to be a great chick magnet, but with only a solo seat, not so much.
                            Fred Hill, S'toon
                            XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                            "The Flying Pumpkin"


                            • #29
                              @fred- thanks for the tip, but SWMBO might take offense at my trying to pick up chicks!

                              Well, I got it to at least turn over last night, but not when I push the starter button. I will spend tonight troubleshooting the off/run/off switch and trying to figure out why it will not fire when I push the button (the headlight comes on when I turn the key, but no power to the starter button).

                              I will also be taking apart the ignition switch and cleaning it!

                              80 XS11 G: Project bike


                              • #30
                                Here is another progress picture for your enjoyment (I am on the left)


                                80 XS11 G: Project bike

