Alot of the Vietnam era vets from the USA (and where ever else they came from) dealt with very damp conditions. Having served with some of the folks who made it back, and taught soem techniques for living in the field by them, "jungle rot" as they called it was a big concern. A twenty mile march through sand with loaded ruck sack will enlighten you to how to properly protect the skin in delicate areas.
How this relates to a sore bum from miles of long distance riding I am not sure either though. Seams under your arse is no different than your wallet in your pocket, mine is always there. Longest ride so far for me in one day was 9 hours and I do not recall having any of these issues, and I was wearing jeans. No, I do not discuss my undergarments on the internet or with men.
How this relates to a sore bum from miles of long distance riding I am not sure either though. Seams under your arse is no different than your wallet in your pocket, mine is always there. Longest ride so far for me in one day was 9 hours and I do not recall having any of these issues, and I was wearing jeans. No, I do not discuss my undergarments on the internet or with men.
