Haha, I just had to post...
Seems the Grail has a BIG brother; tucked way in my garage is a NOS still in box(s) complete set of !!1978!! XS11E exhausts, complete with new gaskets, flanges, collars, clamps, mounting hardware and everything in between just as they slid across the parts counter some 32 years ago. I would put them on my even nicer bike, but the system currently on it is evry bit as spotless as those still in the box. Do you think I could charge admission?
Sorry for being so smug, but the chance to gloat comes so seldom. Anyone interested in buying them should keep an eye out for my final Estate Auction, unless I accidentally get stuck in the rain or some equally disasterous event occurs to my precious XS11E that would require me to wipe the water off with a sterile towel and soft cotton gloves, and possibly leave a minute water spot or perish the though, scratch. Then and only then would I even consider installing the back-up system.
I did look at his eBay bike, and agree it is very nice! But I would never even dream of putting a bungee cord on the seat, let alone allow any foreign substance touch the paint, chrome, rubber, or any part of anything. I always wear clean underwear when riding mine, and wipe the bottom of my riding boots before touching the pegs. Also noted is that a keychain was allowed to touch the handlebar mount, the pipes had some bluing, and there was dust on the frame by the serial numbers. Oh well...
I am convinced that the pipes I keep closely guarded are even nicer than those on eBay since I would NEVER set them on unprotected and unblessed sacred Yamaha ground without a bed of angel feathers to protect them from from the evils of minute airborne dust particles carried by those pesky corrosive oxygen atoms. I also have boxes full of all the emblems, trim, rubber, cables, grips, and any other part that may succumb to the evils of age, use, and being looked at too closely, so when I want to turn my 2 wheeled darling into the most perfect bike on the planet, it will be possible.
Thanks for the great post, and if anyone is ever on the east side of the Mississippi, I would be glad to do a little bench racing. Oh and by the way, here is a photo of one of my bikes:

Best Regards,
Seems the Grail has a BIG brother; tucked way in my garage is a NOS still in box(s) complete set of !!1978!! XS11E exhausts, complete with new gaskets, flanges, collars, clamps, mounting hardware and everything in between just as they slid across the parts counter some 32 years ago. I would put them on my even nicer bike, but the system currently on it is evry bit as spotless as those still in the box. Do you think I could charge admission?
Sorry for being so smug, but the chance to gloat comes so seldom. Anyone interested in buying them should keep an eye out for my final Estate Auction, unless I accidentally get stuck in the rain or some equally disasterous event occurs to my precious XS11E that would require me to wipe the water off with a sterile towel and soft cotton gloves, and possibly leave a minute water spot or perish the though, scratch. Then and only then would I even consider installing the back-up system.
I did look at his eBay bike, and agree it is very nice! But I would never even dream of putting a bungee cord on the seat, let alone allow any foreign substance touch the paint, chrome, rubber, or any part of anything. I always wear clean underwear when riding mine, and wipe the bottom of my riding boots before touching the pegs. Also noted is that a keychain was allowed to touch the handlebar mount, the pipes had some bluing, and there was dust on the frame by the serial numbers. Oh well...
I am convinced that the pipes I keep closely guarded are even nicer than those on eBay since I would NEVER set them on unprotected and unblessed sacred Yamaha ground without a bed of angel feathers to protect them from from the evils of minute airborne dust particles carried by those pesky corrosive oxygen atoms. I also have boxes full of all the emblems, trim, rubber, cables, grips, and any other part that may succumb to the evils of age, use, and being looked at too closely, so when I want to turn my 2 wheeled darling into the most perfect bike on the planet, it will be possible.
Thanks for the great post, and if anyone is ever on the east side of the Mississippi, I would be glad to do a little bench racing. Oh and by the way, here is a photo of one of my bikes:

Best Regards,