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The warranty has run out on my body!

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  • #46
    Hey, we make fun of those we care about. Even if we haven't met them in person yet.

    1980 XS1100G (Brutus) w/81H Engine
    Duplicolor Mirage Paint Job (Purple/Green)
    Vetter Windjammer IV
    Vetter hard bags & Trunk
    OEM Luggage Rack
    Jardine Spaghetti 4-2 exhaust system
    Spade Fuse Box
    Turn Signal Auto Cancel Mod
    750 FD Mod
    TC Spin on Oil Filter Adapter (temp removed)
    XJ1100 Front Footpegs
    XJ1100 Shocks

    I was always taught to respect my elders, but it keeps getting harder to find one.


    • #47
      Make no mistake. Laughter is still the best medicine...

      On the other hand I have never been hooked up with a "Happy button"..
      RIP Whiskers (Shop Boss) 25+yrs

      "It doesn't hurt until you find out no one is looking"

      Everything on hold...


      • #48
        In my recent stay, I had the good juice in my IV and a button to add extra. All the nurses told me to use it early and use it often. So....every one who visited me got to watch me try and talk as I hit the button and then fell asleep, often in mid sentence!! Even happened in phone calls to SWMBO. (Thats the story I'm stickin to anyway!!)
        Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

        When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

        81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
        80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

        Previously owned
        93 GSX600F
        80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
        81 XS1100 Special
        81 CB750 C
        80 CB750 C
        78 XS750


        • #49
          10 days later and I am back: sans tumor, bladder, prostate and presumably cancer free! Recovery was / is a bitch: the prescription meds aren’t worth it!
          Doc says I'm not to lift anything for a month.
          A week before the operation I thought I'd take the bike for one last spin and I dropped it backing out of the parking space. No-one was around right then and gas was spilling out onto the tarmac so I tried to pick it up by myself. I made it halfway and it came back down straining my back.
          I'm down to 115 lbs from my normal 125. I don't plan on riding again until I get my weight back up. I think I may join a gym so I can pump up to 135!
          Ray says he'll come by and take it out for me occasionally, and he is certainly welcome to do so. He has put so much work into it that it is as much his bike as it is mine anyway!
          As for wearing the kilt, this is less of a problem than wearing pants with a belt. I may have to switch to suspenders!
          Special Ed
          Last edited by Special Ed; 07-28-2010, 10:11 PM. Reason: missed spelling correction
          Old bikers never die, they're just out of sight!

          My recently re-built, hopped up '79 Special caught fire and burned everything from the top of the engine up: gas tank, wiring, seat, & melted my windshield all over the front of the bike. Just bought a 1980 Special that has been non oped for 9 years. My Skoot will rise from the ashes and be re named "The Phoenix!"
          I've been riding since 1959.


          • #50
            Very good to hear Ed. Welcome back.
            1980 SG. (Sold - waiting on replacement)
            2000 XJR1300. The Real modern XS11. Others are just pretenders.

            Woman (well, my wife anyway) are always on Transmit and never Receive.

            "A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be" Albert Einstien.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Special Ed View Post
              I am back: sans tumor, bladder, prostate and presumably cancer free!....I'm down to 115 lbs from my normal 125.
              Geez, Ed, that's a heck of a weight control programme.

              Keep your focus on the future, there's still "lots of places to see, things to do".

              Glad you're still with us...
              Ken Talbot


              • #52
                Welcome Back Ed!!!! Reality is just around the corner dude. If its anything like what I wen through after my "incident" it is still kind of surreal and feeling pretty frail. This to shall pass, as they say.
                Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

                When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

                81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
                80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

                Previously owned
                93 GSX600F
                80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
                81 XS1100 Special
                81 CB750 C
                80 CB750 C
                78 XS750


                • #53
                  Glad to hear you're feeling better, Ed! That's good!

                  FYI, when I told Cody about your condition... he became very distaught. It really hurt him to hear that had happened to you! In fact, his words were, "Oh no!!! Not Ed!" He told me how he's got to ride w/ ya some.

                  I'll be sure to pass along the good news to him!

                  Hang in there, and glad to hear you're now "A Survivor".
                  '82 XJ1100J Maxim (has been sold.)

                  '79 F "Time Machine"... oh yeah, Baby.... (Sold back to Maximan)

                  2011 Kaw Concours 14 ABS

                  In the warden's words from Cool Hand Luke;
                  "What we have here is a failure to communicate."


                  • #54
                    I believe...

                    Your warranty has be updated and restored!! It is so good to hear you are doing well. About those buttons to push on the sleepy time meds, a nurse told me that while every button push is recorded, the meds will only be dispensed once every 12 to 15 minutes. She said that men have to be coaxed to use it very often, but women are pushing that thing about every 30 seconds!!!
                    Stay well now. We are pulling for you, we are all in this together.
                    Ole Jack
                    J.D."Jack" Smith
                    1980G&S "Halfbreed"
                    1978E straight job
                    "We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln

                    Life is like a coin, you can choose to spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Make your choices wisely.


                    • #55
                      Right on, Ed, welcome back!
                      -- Scott

                      2004 ST1300A: No name... yet
                      1982 XJ1100J: "Baby" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
                      1980 XS1100G: "Columbo" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
                      1979 XS1100SF: "Bush" W.I.P.
                      1979 XS1100F: parts
                      2018 Heritage Softail Classic 117 FLHCS SE: "Nanuk" It's DEAD, it's not just resting. It is an EX cycle.


                      • #56
                        As an update, I stopped in to talk with Ed today. He is getting around with a cane, and seems to be in good spirits! He DID have his first beer since the hospital visit, so that may have helped the spirits
                        I need to run his bike sometime this week, so the battery is charged and the oil has a chance to clear the water out. We have a friend riding out mid August, and I may have Ed on the back of his own bike, or mine, for that.
                        I do think it will be about six more weeks before Ed can ride again, but I KNOW he will be back on the bike soon!
                        Oh, and yes, he IS wearing suspenders!
                        Ray Matteis
                        XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
                        XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


                        • #57
                          Welcome back!


                          Vicki and I are very happy that you've come through your ordeal with good spirits and, hopefully, a good final outcome. We wish you the best and a speedy recovery.



                          • #58
                            Time to close this tread.

                            I think it is time to officially close this thread rather than allow it to simply peter out. This will allow me to properly, if not adequately thank everyone for their support. I hoped that I would probably. hear from riders that I had met at various West Coast rally's. What I didn't expect, and that warmed the cockles of me heart , were all the riders who sent me words of encouragement that I have never met, and only know me from my postings to this site. (Xs11jack . DGXSER , b.walker5, Toolmaker Tim, to name a few.) It only goes to show that there is something about the XS11 that seems to attract only the very best people!

                            I am back home getting my strength back and putting on weight. I came home weighing 107 lbs! I pledged to myself to get my weight back up to at least my pre- cancer weight of 125 before I get back on the bike. Actually I plan on joining a gym after I heal and try to pump my weight up to a mighty, muscle bound 130 or even 135!

                            Maybe, while the bike is sitting I can do some of the improvements that I have on hold. Ray has a
                            1185 c.c. jug with a ported head and high compression pistons waiting to go on my bike. I want to give the engine a good cosmetic going over while I'm at it.

                            Anyway, I love you guys, and those of you that I haven’t met yet, I hope to someday. If any of you are ever out this way, you have a place to stay. When I recover and get my bike finished I would really like to take a trip inland to meet as my of my brothers and sisters of XS as possible.

                            In the mean time, thank you, thank you, thank you! I'll catch ya'll elsewhere on the site!
                            Special Ed
                            Old bikers never die, they're just out of sight!

                            My recently re-built, hopped up '79 Special caught fire and burned everything from the top of the engine up: gas tank, wiring, seat, & melted my windshield all over the front of the bike. Just bought a 1980 Special that has been non oped for 9 years. My Skoot will rise from the ashes and be re named "The Phoenix!"
                            I've been riding since 1959.


                            • #59
                              You the Man, Special Ed

                              Way to keep your Spirit up through all this. We here in Sun Diego are hoping for the best recovery for you, and your Great Wife to be able to support you. Do you really need more power? We could barely keep up with you when you were two up in the Twisties on the rally,,,,now we'll have to get binoculars to see you in the distance. Anyway, its great to see the local xs'rs, like DiverRay, really helping you out, thats what friends are for. Our prayers are for you, take care, Mike, EagleTom, GarthXS,...... in Sun Diego
                              1982 xj1100 maxim
                              1981 venture bagger
                              1999 Kawi Nomad 1500 greenie
                              1959 wife

