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The motorcycle as an artform.

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  • #46
    Who defines what "art" is? A painting is considered art by some people. Is it functional? Maybe, if it's covering a hole you knocked in the wall.
    Is a sculpture art? Is it functional? How about music? Light shows. Gymnastics. Porn. Circ de Soliel? Dog shows. Movies?
    Does art have to have function, or does that ust apply to motorcycles? Or, is the statement that only a motorcycle that percorms a certain function considered art? What about freestyle motocross? Evil Knievel? Trials? Stunt bikes?
    Pat Kelly

    1978 XS1100E (The Force)
    1980 XS1100LG (The Dark Side)
    2007 Dodge Ram 2500 quad-cab long-bed (Wifes ride)
    1999 Suburban (The Ship)
    1994 Dodge Spirit (Son #1)
    1968 F100 (Valentine)

    "No one is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example"


    • #47
      After nearly four years of college with the purpose of getting a Fine Arts degree, here is MY view as to what I consider "art" or not.

      It needs to exist in some form, and it needs to be created or influenced by humans.

      Manufactured objects? Art. Movies? Art. Speaking? Art. Writing? Art.

      By this definition, the only things that are NOT art are things like pure nature (a rarity, nowadays) and intangibles, like ideas. Should these ideas be voiced, they are then art, but before that? No.

      The distinction comes on whether art is GOOD or not. That, of course, is purely subjective, and up to the individual.

      My two cents, anyway.
      Currently XS-less.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Lucien Harpress View Post
        After nearly four years of college with the purpose of getting a Fine Arts degree, here is MY view as to what I consider "art" or not.

        It needs to exist in some form, and it needs to be created or influenced by humans.

        Manufactured objects? Art. Movies? Art. Speaking? Art. Writing? Art.

        By this definition, the only things that are NOT art are things like pure nature (a rarity, nowadays) and intangibles, like ideas. Should these ideas be voiced, they are then art, but before that? No.

        The distinction comes on whether art is GOOD or not. That, of course, is purely subjective, and up to the individual.

        My two cents, anyway.
        I'll give you a whole buck for that!


        • #49
          I have to go along with Fred,

          First of all, about 98% of OCC's bikes go to people or companies that just display them. An that is good because although they look great, they ride very badly. The bikes of Jesse James are in the same catagory, the people who have the money to buy them, have never seen one moving, have never ridden one of them, and they are just trophies to the buyer. The owner has a need to be seen by his/her peers. You have to have the most 'bitchin' bike in the crowd, even though riding one of these things more that 50 miles will put you in line at a hospital for hip and knee replacment surgery! The kind of bikes we here at ch.11 have, have to handle well and be very comfortable for the extended rides we make. So when we mod them, it is in the direction of handling and comfort. When we get our bikes to that level, we are much more satisfied and happy than the "trophy bike" owner.
          Nuff said, Ole Jack
          J.D."Jack" Smith
          1980G&S "Halfbreed"
          1978E straight job
          "We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln

          Life is like a coin, you can choose to spend it any way you wish, but you can only spend it once. Make your choices wisely.


          • #50
            Originally posted by xs11jack View Post
            First of all, about 98% of OCC's bikes go to people or companies that just display them. An that is good because although they look great, they ride very badly. The bikes of Jesse James are in the same catagory, the people who have the money to buy them, have never seen one moving, have never ridden one of them, and they are just trophies to the buyer. The owner has a need to be seen by his/her peers. You have to have the most 'bitchin' bike in the crowd, even though riding one of these things more that 50 miles will put you in line at a hospital for hip and knee replacment surgery! The kind of bikes we here at ch.11 have, have to handle well and be very comfortable for the extended rides we make. So when we mod them, it is in the direction of handling and comfort. When we get our bikes to that level, we are much more satisfied and happy than the "trophy bike" owner.
            Nuff said, Ole Jack
            That's probably the most jackassed thing I've ever read. Nuff said



            • #51



              Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur


              • #52
                Originally posted by joceiphus View Post
                That's probably the most jackassed thing I've ever read. Nuff said
                You sure you're not related to Simon Cowell?
                Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Guy_b_g View Post

                  Now that is art!



                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Ivan View Post
                    You sure you're not related to Simon Cowell?
                    Not unless he's from the Ozarks.



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by fredintoon View Post
                      Gee Brian,
                      how can you say that?
                      A 1930's Ariel SV single outfit towing a trailer that (presumably) hauled in the 4-valve single race bike in the background.
                      That's classic art!
                      Okay Fred, I'm sure you know this already, but go back to my original post and look up from the comment, not down. How anyone could ride something so grotesque as a Harley with Armpit Driers is beyond me.

                      As to the Ariel, he certianly did haul his race bike on the trailer, but it wasnt the Rudge in the photo, it was another Ariel and he was racing it when I took the photo. He towed it from the middle of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island. A distance of over 1500 kilometres, and the rider of both bikes is 71.
                      1980 SG. (Sold - waiting on replacement)
                      2000 XJR1300. The Real modern XS11. Others are just pretenders.

                      Woman (well, my wife anyway) are always on Transmit and never Receive.

                      "A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be" Albert Einstien.


                      • #56
                        Anyone can be a critic

                        It needs to exist in some form, and it needs to be created or influenced by humans.
                        I disagree, the very first and never will be surpassed art was created by God and is called woman. Nothing moves man to extremes more, nothing costs more or is more valuable, nothing is more pleasing to the eye of man or can cause more problems.

                        So much for a liberal arts degree ….

                        Then there are motorcycles, a logical expression for those who can not fly like superman.

                        I’ve got my regular ride, with only cosmetic changes and a few minor but significant up-grades like TC’s fuse block, progressive springs etc.. All my XSes are basically stock and I will keep them that way.
                        BUT I do have one that is not in the same category and I’ve been contemplating what to do to it. It’s become one of those projects that starts and stops, a little progress here, then there. When it will be done I haven’t a clue, but it could be considered a piece or work of art by me when it’s done. Ones artistic expression is only limited by their imagination (and finances ) and may not even be appreciated by anyone but the creator.
                        Works for me…


                        • #57
                          Anyone can be an artist

                          For example:

                          An "artist" presented pictures like the one above along with similar framed versions of SOS Pads, matchbooks, and other common items in a gallery showing. The critics praised him for his work, insights, and talent. His "offerings" at the gallery were even sold at high prices.

                          The joke was on them because the "artist" was making a statement about how corrupt the art critics/art followers were along with their whole ideas about what constitutes "ART". A huge bronx cheer and a raspberry to them all.

                          Not really the type of art when someone makes a hardtail out of an XS though. To me that's more like knocking out a load-bearing wall in a Frank Loyd Wright house or painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa. That "form" of art is more of a destructive or defacing/disfiguring action. It's sometimes done in a "I don't care for traditional values" kind of way where the artist is intentionally giving everyone the middle finger. "I'm a rebel and no one tells me what to do!!"

                          I'm Ok with that as long as it's not a result of an adult afflicted with O.D.D. (Oppositional Defiance Disorder..) I believe that part of the reason for thumbing ones nose at traditional values (Art??) is to get that reaction of WTF???!! from the beholder of the action.

                          Go ahead and bob whatever bike you want whenever you want to. You won't get any opposition/reaction from me. You also won't get me to buy into the idea that it's part of an "art form" or personal expression. I have learned far too much to be taken in by that supposition.

                          Enjoy being in the company of those who can.


                          • #58
                            Bravo, and well said, Larrym!
                            -Do what makes you happy.

                            '79 Honda CB 750 K (2)
                            '78 XS 11 E - "Rhona"
                            ...and a 2nd E, for the goodies on it.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by mro View Post
                              - - - I do have one that is not in the same category and I’ve been contemplating what to do to it. It’s become one of those projects that starts and stops, a little progress here, then there. When it will be done I haven’t a clue, but it could be considered a piece or work of art by me when it’s done. - - -
                              Hi mro,
                              what some seem to be missing is that a motorcycle is a moving artwork, not a stationary one.
                              Few will deny Dali's genius but no-one can say that his melting pocket watches would actually keep time or that his skinny-legged elephants be able to stand up if they were real instead of paintings.
                              So a painting or a sculpture of a motorcycle can be great art no matter what style the artist uses but any change to a real meant-to-be-ridden motorcycle that makes it a worse ride is bad art no matter how pretty it looks.
                              Fred Hill, S'toon
                              XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                              "The Flying Pumpkin"


                              • #60
                                Who needs looks?

                                It's kind of like my moped I guess... It doesn't look that cool, and is a little embarrassing to ride but it sure is nice and fun to ride! Don't worry Fred it's not a hard tail!
                                Click Here! For the latest XS11 bobber update.

