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  • #31
    I have never voted before in my life and that was because i didn't want to vote for someone i do not believe in. I always refused to have to choose the lesser of two evils, but my fiance brings up a good point. She reminded me that people fought and died for our right to vote. I will vote because of that. I will vote for Obama because i think that he is a better listener and can process information well. I don't know how long McCain has before he starts having Bush moments. I get a really bad feeling everytime i see Palin speaking. It feels like she's lying more so than the others.
    1978 XS1100E Standard
    Kerker Exhaust
    Tkat Fork Brace

    On Hold
    TopCat S.O.F.A. + Fuse Block
    Mike's XS Pod FIlters


    • #32
      Originally posted by Succubus View Post
      McCain/Palin says we ought to vote for them because there's something wrong or evil about the other guy. Obama says we ought to vote for him because there's something right about all of us, including McCain and Palin.

      I am tired of people trying to scare me. I am tired of the politics of hate and division. I tired of people telling me to worry about gay marriage or guns or prayer in schools and please ignore what their economic policies are doing to my economic well being. I'm voting for the guy who says we ought to feel good about ourselves and says there is hope, not darkness and division.

      Ronald Reagan was a popular president because he made us feel good about ourselves and made us feel good about our Country. I didn't much care for his policies, but I liked his attitude. These Republican leaders today are not the descendants of Reagan. We've tried their policies for eight years in the White House and 12 of 14 years in Congress. It hasn't worked. I think it's time to try something else.

      I think people who support McCain are decent honorable people who see things different from me. I just think their choice of candidates and their vision of the future are different than mine. We disagree on policies, but that doesn't mean we should hate each other or question each other's patriotism or call each other names. We're all in this together, Rs and Ds.

      I'm voting for hope. I'm voting for Obama.

      You know, I really respect your view. I don't agree with it in the slightest, but I do highly respect it. You are the absolute first person that has given a REASON, good or bad, as to why they are aligned with the left wing. Seems when I as anyone why they believe this or that, they get defensive and start attacking me for asking.

      Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.


      • #33
        I don't like talking politics much, mostly because I don't really know a lot about it!

        What I do know is that the Hands OFF policies of the past only serve the RICH! Remember the term "laissez faire" ? I didn't work back then either, factory workers were abused, put into dangerous situations, the big companies drove many of the smaller companies out business thru infair competitive practices, and once competition was gone, they controlled the market and set their price to whatever they wanted! Also no regulation led to the stock market crash of 1929, similar situation is happening/happened recently as well, again due to little regulation, and the greedy SOB's that bled the system for what they could get out of it, etc.!!

        I have many right wing ideals, death penalty, gun rights, illegal immigration reform, etc., but I am also in the lower middle class, and don't believe that BIG BUSINESS cares at all about me! And I feel the same about republican politicians, I feel a President shouldn't be a MILLIONAIRE at least before he gets into the White House! Bush has 7 homes, and we just saw where one of our own has lost his ONLY 1!

        Obama's roots are from my side of town financially speaking, and he knows what it's like to be poor, knows the plight of the common man, and cares about the majority of what America is made up of, not the 5-10% elite rich!

        Also, I am thankful for Obama's lack of political experience, we need to FLUSH out the OLD GUARD politicians and put some newer younger less corrupted people in control to retake the Gov't, by the people, for the people!! Guess you can figure out who I'm voting for, it's definitely time for a REAL CHANGE!
        T. C. Gresham
        81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
        79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
        History shows again and again,
        How nature points out the folly of men!


        • #34
          Originally posted by prometheus578 View Post
          I think I saw this debate on tv just a couple nites ago but the places and names were changed to protect the innocent....LOL
          My 1978


          • #35
            OK I'm impressed

            The best way to start a fight is to talk politics or religion. And so far this is fairly civil seen it worse over bike discussions, who would have guessed that with this crowd,
            I agree and disagree with so many points made already, when this election cycle started back in the ice ages I believe I had hope for both canidates to rise to the top of their party for I truly thought Mcain seemed to have integrity and a backbone when it came to his beliefs and his party. But tthe longer this has gone on the more he has seemed to COMPRIMSE to appease certain parts of his party or base and also I have been given many more FACTS to decide for myself what they mean and it hasn't been incouraging. As far as Obama the fact that an African American was actually not only seriously running but beeing considered nationally was encouragingly a sign that we maybe rising above many of our past prejudices as a country( and I am proud that both canidates have mostly tried to keep this from being an issue unlike their yes THEIR parties and some VP canadites). His eloquence as a speaker is undeniable and often quite uplifting been quite a while since that has been a factor in this age of television.But the more you learn about him it also seems that their are signs of the old Chicago politician in there.
            In the end it is again a case of the lesser of 2 evils, the only encouraging sign was their early pledges to run a positive not negative till they ran into their advisers and caved to the reality of what has won in the past. What we truly need is a return to thedemocracy of cincinatus where you didn't want to be in goverment but went did your time as your peers asked and got out(yeah like thats going to happen when their is money involved). Just my worthless opinion as one who needs help but knows to look at myself and not the goverment for it.
            " That glass isn't half empty it has a hole in it "

            79 SF set to cruise

            80special work in progress

            and now 78 needs work


            • #36
              I agree with an earlier post. The General Election is important but in the grand scheme of things it the Congress and Senate that run the show. Those are the guys we need to clean up. I am all for term limits. They have gotten out of control with their pay raises, benefits, and pensions. You can see how an upstart you politician with good morals and ideas can become lost. Its all give and take. You want the support for your project then you owe me a vote on something else. Between that and the add on Pork a simple solution can get mired in mud.


              • #37
                Originally posted by TopCatGr58 View Post

                Also no regulation led to the stock market crash of 1929, similar situation is happening/happened recently as well, again due to little regulation, and the greedy SOB's that bled the system for what they could get out of it, etc.!!
                The "FRANNY" MAC fiasco is due, for the most part, to the democrats, including Barak H Obama. New regulations imposed by congress forced the mortgage companys into making loans to less than qualified applicants in the name of fairness. Obama actually acted as an attorney in actions against mortgage companys for "Red Lining" those unsuitable applicants.|caseName Read down a bit and see Barak H Obama Lawyer for the Plaintiff.

                Look up "Friends of Angelo" if you want to see how the democrats will look out for your interests.

                Bush and McCain proposed new regulation to reign in the sub prime nonsense, but the bills were defeated in democrat controlled commitiees.
       Obama basically voted "present" on the legislation, alowing it to fail.

                This covers the high points, if you really are interested in the whole disgusting mess.

                Originally posted by TopCatGr58 View Post
                .................................................. .....

                Obama's roots are from my side of town financially speaking, and he knows what it's like to be poor, knows the plight of the common man, and cares about the majority of what America is made up of, not the 5-10% elite rich!

                Also, I am thankful for Obama's lack of political experience, we need to FLUSH out the OLD GUARD politicians and put some newer younger less corrupted people in control to retake the Gov't, by the people, for the people!! Guess you can figure out who I'm voting for, it's definitely time for a REAL CHANGE!
                Obama went to Columbia and Harvard, and was raised up in the Chicago Machine political world. He now lives in a >$1,000,000 house in an exclusive Chicago neighborhood which he obtained under rather murky circumstances.

                He ain't from my neighborhood.

                Hope is not a destination. Change is not a strategy.

                Originally posted by TopCatGr58 View Post
                I don't like talking politics much, mostly because I don't really know a lot about it!
                Maybe you should have stopped there.


                • #38
                  the reason bush was elected is because he was the lessor of two evils...
                  BU$H was NEVER elected. The 1st Election a Federal Judge appointed him. The 2nd election the Die-Bold Company hacked the voting machines.

                  People are still in jail today for the election fraud but the criminals remain in office.

                  "We are often so caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey." "


                  • #39
                    Better check again, Oseaghdha. When you say the Bush/McCain attempt to overhaul Freddie and Fannie was defeated in Democrat-controlled committees. The story you link to is from 2003. There were no Democrat-controlled committees in 2003. Democrats controlled nothing and had little if any influence on anything. Those committees, and everything else, were controlled by Tom Delay and his Republicans cronies. If Bush wanted anything to pass then, it passed.

                    Bush didn't want to reform Freddie and Fannie. He just didn't want the wave to crest until he got out of office.

                    The glorious rays of the rising sun exist only to create shadows in which doom may hide.

                    XS11F (Incubus, daily rider)
                    1969 Yamaha DT1B
                    Five other bikes whose names do not begin with "Y"


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Succubus View Post
                      Better check again, Oseaghdha. When you say the Bush/McCain attempt to overhaul Freddie and Fannie was defeated in Democrat-controlled committees. The story you link to is from 2003. There were no Democrat-controlled committees in 2003. Democrats controlled nothing and had little if any influence on anything. Those committees, and everything else, were controlled by Tom Delay and his Republicans cronies. If Bush wanted anything to pass then, it passed.
                      I mis-spoke, the democrats did not control the committees, but were able to block the bills from leaving the committee for a vote on the floor.

                      Originally posted by Succubus View Post
                      Bush didn't want to reform Freddie and Fannie. He just didn't want the wave to crest until he got out of office.

                      Quite a reach.
                      Everything I have read indicates that the democrats were the biggest cheerleaders for "FRANNY"MAC, and coincidently received the most money, including Baraky O'Bama.

                      "Meanwhile, Dodd -- who along with Democratic Sens. John Kerry, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were the top four recipients of Fannie and Freddie campaign contributions from 1988 to 2008 -- actively opposed such measures and further weakened existing regulation. "

                      Horse, water. Some assembly required.


                      • #41
                        I don't intend to vote for either obama or McCain. This will be only my third, presidential election, the first two times I voted for what I considered to be the lesser of two evils, because I didn't want to "waste" my vote. I felt that by voting for anyone not aligned with the big two was a waste because there were really only two candidates that stood a chance. Ever since I've felt disappointed in my choice, like I caved to peer pressure and followed the crowd despite my personal dislike of the guy I voted for. I won't make that mistake again.

                        I'm voting for the libertarian candidate - Bob Barr, I can't say I agree with everything the party advocates, or that I agree with all of Barr's positions but I feel a lot better about him then any of the other options. If what i've heard is correct it seems a large percentage of voters vote for either republican or democrat, despite not liking either, because they don't want to waste their vote on a third party or independent. If all those people went out and did a little research and voted for someone they liked I think we, the people of the US, could really send a message, and maybe see some significant change.

                        I can tell you I won't be re-electing my congressman. He's up for re-election and I have no intentions of ever voting for anyone who thought that the bail-out was a good idea. I'm not sure who I will vote for instead but I'll figure it out.
                        1979 xs1100 Special -
                        Stock air box/K&N Filter, MAC 4-2 exhaust, Bad-Boy Air horn, TC fuse box, Windshield, Soft bags, Vetter Fairing, Blinkers->Run/Turn/Brake Lights, Headlight Modulator, hard wire GPS power

                        Short Stack - 1981 xs1100 Standard - lowered for SWMBO.

                        Originally posted by fredintoon
                        Goes like a train, corners like a cow, shifts like a Russian tractor, drinks like a fish, you are gonna love it.
                        My Bike:
                        [link is broken]


                        • #42
                          bail out

                          80% of economic proff say it it's the dumbest idea it's trickle up economy
                          it's seems like we are truelly lost.
                          bill hane


                          • #43
                            or could it be the real power in the country that dropped the ball, the democrat controlled legislative branch?
                            Actually, the Republicans had control of the legislative branch, both houses, for the last 4 years (1996 - 2000) under the Clinton administration. No doubt Clinton missed an opportunity, but there is this quote from MSNBC:

                            In reality, getting bin Laden would have been extraordinarily difficult. He was a moving target deep inside Afghanistan. Most military operations would have been high-risk. What’s more, Clinton was weakened by scandal, and there was no political consensus for bold action, especially with an election weeks away.
                            (Full article at Clinton was weakened by scandal because the Republicans saw it as a way to win the next election, which they did. Doesn't change the fact that the Republicans had months to pick up after Clinton's failure and chose not to do so. The result was 9/11.


                            In August 1998, when [Clinton] ordered missile strikes in an effort to kill Osama bin Laden, there was widespread speculation from such people as Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa) that he was acting precipitously to draw attention away from the Monica S. Lewinsky scandal, then at full boil. Some said he was mistaken for personalizing the terrorism struggle so much around bin Laden. And when he ordered the closing of Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House after domestic terrorism in Oklahoma City, some Republicans accused him of hysteria. (full article at

                            In other words, the Republicans saw the move as a publicity stunt, not an attempt to deal with a serious security threat. McCain was part of that group. Here is an excerpt from Mother Earth News McCain interview in 1998:

                            Vest was referring to air strikes against terror targets in Afghanistan and Sudan ordered by former President Bill Clinton on August 20, 1998, in response to bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania earlier that month. Clinton's critics expressed suspicion that the attacks were designed to divert attention from the Lewinsky scandal.

                            This was McCain's response to the question:
                            You could say, Look, is this guy, Laden, really the bad guy that's depicted? Most of us have never heard of him before. (full article at

                            "...never heard of him berfore." McCain is basing his compaign on his ability to deal with terrorism. Yet, in 1998, after Clinton tried to bomb bin Laden, McCain questions if bin Laden is really the "bad guy" Clinton claims.

                            No doubt it is easy to interpret history in hindsight, but as with all events, there are two sides to everything. Clinton missed an opportunity, but when he tried, Republicans accused him of grandstanding.

                            IMHO, what we need now in the Presidient is a man who is thoughtful, is not adverse to asking questions and taking advice, and comes to the White House without all the baggage McCain has acquired in his 26 years in the Senate. I'm voting for Obama / Biden.
                            Jerry Fields
                            '82 XJ 'Sojourn'
                            '06 Concours
                            My Galleries Page.
                            My Blog Page.
                            "... life is just a honky-tonk show." Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut


                            • #44
                              Dems and Reps both accept big pay outs from corp. and are there for one thing, personal gain. If you don't think so then I have a bridge I'll sell you.
                              79 F full cruiser, stainless brake lines, spade fuses, Accel coils, modded air box w/larger velocity stacks, 750 FD.
                              79 SF parts bike.


                              • #45
                                Bought positions

                                I am really tired of whoever has the most money being put in office. The media should not be allowed to carry any story about any politician either good or bad and all persons campaigning should be given the same amount of money and not allowed to use any other money for their campaign expenses. This way we can see who is the best and not who can flood the country with such heavy advertising and mud slinging. I'm not voting for either Dem or Rep as I don't like either.
                                You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...

                                '78E "Pathfinder" Show bike...
                                Lovingly restored by Dave Delzell
                                Drilled airbox
                                Tkat fork brace
                                Hardly mufflers
                                late model carbs
                                Newer style fuses
                                Oil pressure guage
                                Custom security system
                                Stainless braid brake lines

