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Maximan and pggg Banned?

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  • #31
    Well I'm not one to jump in. But I felt I had to say something.

    I'm sad to see it happen. Even though I have been on here for over a couple years. It is sad to see things like this happen. I enjoy coming here to the website. Learning alot. Not just about bikes but to see what all other people here deal with at the same time. Makes me feel good to see I'm not the only one who feels the way I feel. I don't get out much. So in a way this is my never land. It's a shame other people couldn't enjoy it. I mean sure I had few who I thought replyed a bit harsh with what I had to say in some posts but I just chalked it up to maybe they had a bad day and left it at that. Does that make me weak cause I didn't reply back with something equal? I don't care. I'm here to learn and to try to help at the same time. I'm not here to make enemies. We have enough of those over sea's.

    Prom your right. As usaul. LOL.
    No but seriously. We all know right from wrong. Or I'd like to think so. When we speed we know that if we get caught we get a ticket. Mayby if your lucky you get a warning. Anyway as what I'm trying to say is if you do something you know your not suppose to do sooner or later you have to pay the consuquences.

    And for any and all who reads this I can tell you this about me and I'd like to think I'm not alone. "I try treat people the way they treat me." I feel it's only fair. If I'm wrong then it's your opion. That's fine with me. I live to post another day as I hope you all live to post another day.

    What we have here is a failure to communicate.
    Can't we all just get along.
    Did he say what I thought he said. Ahh maybe he's just having a bad day.

    79 XS1100 Standard aka: Mutt
    87 Honda TRX350D 4X4: Old Blue!
    93 NewYorker Salon: Sleeper...
    71 RoadRunner 440 Magnum: Mean Green!
    69 Charger 440 Magnum: Pleasure Ride!

    Gimme Fuel Gimme Fire!


    • #32
      We all have our warts. You who are reading this do. We all have been bullied. Maybe even done a little of it ourselves? If we ban people like Maxi for his BULL S##T ! ! we deprive everyone of his GOOD STUFF ! ! (there is lots of it) as well.


      • #33
        We all have our warts
        Why yes... yes we do.
        Funny thing, though... most people go out of their way to keep them hidden from others. This is as it should be.
        Or don't you agree?
        Of course, one is always free to associate with whomever they please. This is a good thing.
        One is also free to invite whomever they wish into their home.
        I'm sure that you agree with this.

        But ya know... as I know, this isn't my home. It isn't even my forum. I'm just someone that was asked to keep an eye on things... keep things running smoothly. That's what moderators do... they moderate. Moderate means to keep things even and to prevent things from getting extreme or out of hand.
        This isn't our show... we just try to enforce the rules and carry out things as the owner would like us to do.

        Let's take this to a simpler level:
        On the other hand, Nubee, your house is your show. You get to decide who gets in the front door and who doesn't.
        That being said....
        Every weekend... at your place, you host a beer and bar-b-que.
        Many guests show up each week.... even me! (we'll pretend for a moment that I have friends... and that you're one of them)
        I'm a good guest... I help tinker in the garage, I help your wife carry the potato salad to the picnic table. I generally assist other guests if I can be of help.
        But you know, Nubee... that free beer...
        You see... I tend to drink too much.
        Now, I'm not saying that I become belligerent and insult the other guests(your other friends), what I do is very minor, at least, that's how it appears to me.
        You see, what happens when I drink... I sort of lose my aim.
        Now, this doesn't happen every time I go to a party. But sometimes, when I go to a party, and have to go to a potty, I get very sloppy.
        First it was the toilet seat... then.. it was the floor and the walls.
        Now, I know that you've talked to me about this several times. Tried to get me to control myself better.... even several guests have taken me aside and spoken to me in private...
        But, you know... I choose to drink. I chose to drink to excess. And, I also chose to hose down your bathroom.
        Other guests have complained...
        Your wife has complained...
        At what point then, do you finally ban me from your parties?
        You would, wouldn't you?

        Or... because I help out and am a nice person when I'm not drinking... you decide to let me continue coming over?

        It's your house, you can do as you wish.
        Now, of course, some of your other guests... why, they don't like the fact that you've banned me from coming over.
        They're entitled to their opinion, I suppose.
        But you know what?
        Those few guests who are whining... aren't the one's that have the responsibility to clean up after me.
        "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


        • #34
          Give me a mop Prom


          • #35
            Who could sat it in any better fashion than what Prom just wrote. Man you could be a speach writer for the Prez.
            2-79 XS1100 SF
            2-78 XS1100 E Best bike Ever
            80 XS 1100 SG Big bore kit but not fully running yet.
            Couple of more parts bikes of which 2 more will live!


            • #36
              "Thank you Mr. Vetter" An E mail from Sep. 24, 2007


              For the sake of the website and:
              [list=1][*]All of the politically correct types[*]All of the rules supporters[*]All of the home owners association board members[*]All of the "We gotta do it to protect the children" types[/list=1]

              Let's bury Cody Griffin and get on with noble business of running a good "clean" plain vanilla site.

              But before we do, read some of his GOOD STUFF from the Craig Vetter website.

              In memory of Cody Griffin (aka: MAXIMAN)


