Who profits from the misinformation?
OK, I confess: I am one of those silly mutts who does believe that humans not only have the power to screw over this planets biosphere royally, but are quite likely to do so, if there is not a major change of our collective MO.
Whether it gets messed up via pumping pollution into the atmosphere, or by destroying our and other species' habitat, or by humans being so keen to "protect our national interests", that we are willing to risk nuclear confrontation, is irrelevant.
To join in on your method of quoting great scientists, how about Einstein:
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe"
In this forum I read about the melon environmentalists, outside green , inside red: Maybe me, eh, canuck socialist, and all the assorted clichés..
I am far from advocating communism, that experiment obviously failed, do to our human condition, namely fear= greed.
I do believe though, that our "Taker culture" (as opposed to the Leaver cultures we all but wiped out , such as made up the tribal societies before ownership became so compelling about 10000 years ago with the advent of totalitarian agriculture) is largely the reason why we are facing collapsed fisheries, overpopulation, poisoned environment etc.
Weather my kids will face serious problems due to warmer climate, or due to collapsed international fishery or due to nuclear fallout is neither here nor there.
Because the profit motive seems to be sacred in this (Taker) culture, and is a religion worshiped by way more people, than earth is by gaia freaks, (unfortunately), I think it is very good to have a counterpoint to our present way of being which tells us that it is OK to consume without any concern of the consequences.
One question I have to you is this:
Who exactly is profiting from all the alleged global warming hype. David Suzuki?
OK, getting ready fore the barrage....
What I do:
OK, I confess: I am one of those silly mutts who does believe that humans not only have the power to screw over this planets biosphere royally, but are quite likely to do so, if there is not a major change of our collective MO.
Whether it gets messed up via pumping pollution into the atmosphere, or by destroying our and other species' habitat, or by humans being so keen to "protect our national interests", that we are willing to risk nuclear confrontation, is irrelevant.
To join in on your method of quoting great scientists, how about Einstein:
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe"
In this forum I read about the melon environmentalists, outside green , inside red: Maybe me, eh, canuck socialist, and all the assorted clichés..
I am far from advocating communism, that experiment obviously failed, do to our human condition, namely fear= greed.
I do believe though, that our "Taker culture" (as opposed to the Leaver cultures we all but wiped out , such as made up the tribal societies before ownership became so compelling about 10000 years ago with the advent of totalitarian agriculture) is largely the reason why we are facing collapsed fisheries, overpopulation, poisoned environment etc.
Weather my kids will face serious problems due to warmer climate, or due to collapsed international fishery or due to nuclear fallout is neither here nor there.
Because the profit motive seems to be sacred in this (Taker) culture, and is a religion worshiped by way more people, than earth is by gaia freaks, (unfortunately), I think it is very good to have a counterpoint to our present way of being which tells us that it is OK to consume without any concern of the consequences.
One question I have to you is this:
Who exactly is profiting from all the alleged global warming hype. David Suzuki?
OK, getting ready fore the barrage....
What I do: