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Ghosts, Goblins and Global Warming

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  • Ghosts, Goblins and Global Warming

    As an earth scientist with 30 years experience in the field, many of you are well aware of my position regarding global climate change.

    However I found this article in the news section at Yahoo to be an enlightening insight into mindset of many. I think it quite adequately depicts the mentality of most, if not all, proponents of man made climate change.


    Wed Feb 28, 1:04 PM ET

    OTTAWA (AFP) - A former Canadian defense minister is demanding governments worldwide disclose and use secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes to stem climate change, a local paper said Wednesday.

    "I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet," Paul Hellyer, 83, told the Ottawa Citizen.

    Alien spacecrafts would have traveled vast distances to reach Earth, and so must be equipped with advanced propulsion systems or used exceptional fuels, he told the newspaper.

    Such alien technologies could offer humanity alternatives to fossil fuels, he said, pointing to the enigmatic 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico -- which has become a shrine for UFO believers -- as an example of alien contact.

    "We need to persuade governments to come clean on what they know. Some of us suspect they know quite a lot, and it might be enough to save our planet if applied quickly enough," he said.

    Hellyer became defense minister in former prime minister Lester Pearson's cabinet in 1963, and oversaw the controversial integration and unification of Canada's army, air force and navy into the Canadian Forces.

    He shocked Canadians in September 2005 by announcing he once saw a UFO.


  • #2
    That kinda fits right in there with the Gorebots and warmists shrieking and wailing.

    Problem is,Mars appears to be warming also.

    So, I guess the Martians ain't gonna hep us out much.


    • #3
      Hahahahaha...great point. Obviously the alien "technology" of Mars has it been able to stop it there!


      • #4
        Of corse Mars is warming too.....
        Long, long ago......
        Our sun was smaller, it is growing all the time and eventually it will get so big that it will implode (I saw this on the Discovery Channel).
        Way back when there were people living on Venus. They drove cars and polluted Venus and eventually it experienced global warming . For years they'd been sending probes to explore the next planet out called Earth. They looked it over and decided they could get water to form there and make it livable. But they had to do it soon because the sun was getting bigger and their planet was getting hotter and they drove cars (hemi muscle cars) that was polluting and causing global warming.
        Eventually they colonized the next planet Earth and those that stayed back on Venus to die and never be foundunder the cloud of hot pollution.
        Now these people are living on Earth, driving cars and polluting the world (no pollution before they got there). They're sending probes to the next planet, Mars. Thinking of ways to make Mars habitable, searching for water. Because the sun is still growing and someday it will bake Earth just like it did Venus. Earth will become polluted and experience global warming. Time to move again.
        I'm glad I'll be gone before they send a probe to Uranus .

        This story was brought to you by someone that is working their day off and has slept 4 hours in the last 3 days.
        Pat Kelly

        1978 XS1100E (The Force)
        1980 XS1100LG (The Dark Side)
        2007 Dodge Ram 2500 quad-cab long-bed (Wifes ride)
        1999 Suburban (The Ship)
        1994 Dodge Spirit (Son #1)
        1968 F100 (Valentine)

        "No one is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example"


        • #5
          'Global warming... Ooohh, I'm scared!'

          Glaciers come and glaciers go....
          Just because we've lost our prehensile tails and now have opposable thumbs, we think we rule everything.
          I believe that several of us here have graduated the the eighth grade and might recall a concept from science class called "the Ice Age" (several actually)
          Uhh,, let's see.."The earth has cycles where it warms and cools..."
          And yes, according to the record... we are still coming out of the last ice age.
          I could use a little warmer weather here, anyway. And if the rising oceans force civilization further inland, so what. There are more coastal cities than just New Orleans that need a good flushing.

          It's a planet, people... and we are just "uppity" life forms. Nothing more.

          "Keep the Earth clean, it's not Uranus!"
          "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pat Kelly
            I'm glad I'll be gone before they send a probe to Uranus .

            Let's clarify this Pat. When you say a "probe to Uranus..." are you referring to mine or yours?


            • #7

              Actually in comparison to the past 541 million years of earth history we are still in an "ice age" and no where near coming out of it. The current Ice Age we are living in started about 2+ million years ago at the beggining of the Pliestocene. It has had several interglacial periods (read "global warming") possibly as many as 30 according to Tim Patterson, Ph.D. - Geology and Paleoclimatology. All of these fluctuations in temperature and iterative transgressions/regressions of continental ice were occuring LONG before man was even present. This is a well documented fact of geologic history. I'm glad to see you have a rudimentary concept of this. Most people have totally forgotten 8th grade earth science.

              When comparing the earth's climate beyond 2.5 mybp, the earth has experienced several ice ages and long periods of extreme warmth compared to today. One of the most stark examples is during the middle Tertiary (paleogene) about 45 mybp (million years before present). At that time the earth was sooooo warm there was likely no polar ice cap. The proof of this is overwhelming and is several thousand square miles in extent. It rest in an ancient sub-tropical forest that is a mere 700 miles from the north POLE!

              You likely have never heard of it. It's for certain the likes of Al Gore would never mention this. It is called the Fossil Forest of Axel Hieberg Island in far north Canada. Google it. It's very interesting. This fossil forest was discovered in 1986. It has been irrefutably defined as a sub-tropical coniferous-decidous forest....much like what you'd find in Florida. They've even found the remains of a Champosaurus (ancient alligator). Champosaurus was NOT a cold weather it's modern day cousin gators/crocs.

              The location of this forest is a whopping 85 degrees north latitude. Considering the temperatures required to support such an ecosystem that far north it is highly likely there was no polar ice cap AT ALL. '

              Hmmmm...wonder what caused that global warming?
              Last edited by MAXIMAN; 03-03-2007, 01:04 PM.


              • #8
                Gosh MAXIMAN... you don't watch enough TV...

                This explains it pretty well:
                The series finale of Dinosaurs concerns the irresponsible actions of the dinosaurs toward their environment, and the ensuing Ice Age which leads to their demise. The episode begins with the failure of a beetle swarm to show up and check the spread of a form of creeper vine. The reason is later shown to be the destruction of the beetle's breeding ground to create a wax fruit factory. The WeSaySo Corporation takes charge of the attempt to destroy the vine, which it does by spraying the planet with defoliant. The operation destroys the vine, but kills off all plant life on the planet as well. B.P. Richfield assumes that the creation of clouds will bring rain, allowing the plants to grow back, and so decides to create clouds by dropping bombs in the planet's volcanoes to cause eruptions and cloud cover. The dark clouds instead instigate global cooling, and viewers are left in no doubt as to the fate of the dinosaurs. The final scene of the series depicts a color-warped broadcast from newscaster Howard Handupme, eerily staring into the camera in a slowly freezing studio, and droning, "Goodnight...Goodbye." The credits then roll over a shot of the Sinclairs' house, slowly disappearing beneath a snow drift, while a melancholy string instrumental plays. The episode contains a clear, dark message of environmental responsibility, and, while not overt in its portrayal of the extinction of the dinosaurs, the episode was still a marked change from its normal humor and merited a parental warning in the TV listings.
                and here's the link for more info...
                Dinosaurs The TV show

                81 SH Something Special
                81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

                79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
                81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
                80 LG Black Magic
                78 E Standard Practice

                James 3:17

                If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

                “Alis Volat Propriis”

                Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
                For those on FB


                • #9
                  No Kat I don't watch much TV. And I don't get my science from National Geographic or The Disney Channel. Mostly professional journals and peers.

                  On a more serious note... there really isn't strong evidence to support an "ice age" in correlation to the extinction of Dinosaurs. The dinosaur age pretty much ended at the Cretaceous - Tertiary boundary about 65 mybp.

                  We think the planet didn't really start cooling ..again...for the umpteenth time...until the late Tertiary about 15 mypb. And the ensuing ice age...the one we are currently living in... wasn't really cranking until the Pliestocene (2.5 mybp).

                  Actually there are other theories. You may be aware of the laterally persistent layer of iridium found at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary indicating a meteor strike. This well may have been the "ding dong the witch is dead" era for Dino the Happy dinosaur. We'll never really know.

                  One thing is for sure. Dinosaurs DID NOT fart themselves into oblivion.


                  • #10

                    One thing is for sure. Dinosaurs DID NOT fart themselves into oblivion
                    Never had it put that way!!!!!!!!!

                    You got a point MAXIMAN!!!!!!!
                    68 Honda Cl350 (sold)
                    76 Honda Cb 400 super sport
                    79 special (skull bike)
                    79 special (parts bike w/title)
                    79 special
                    80 standard full dress (Sat 24 years)
                    81 special (parts for now trying to get the title)
                    81 kaw 750 ltd (sold to brother-in-law)
                    80 650 maxim (fixing for wife)
                    81 650 maxim
                    81 Xs 650 special ( No title found in a barn)
                    88 Zx 600r (Sold)
                    01 Gz 250


                    • #11
                      &quot;You, Sir, wound me deeply!&quot;

                      You likely have never heard of it.
                      If you would do me the smallest favor, Maximan....
                      Instead of prefacing your statements to me with "You likely have never heard of..."
                      If you would,
                      as a kindness to me, use instead,
                      "You may recall that...", or "Prom, as you're well aware..."
                      I've known for years of "fossil forests', (both north and south), as well as, ( I see you have just posted again whilst I type) the iridium layer, meteor craters in Yucatan, and am currently getting ready for the next polar shift, as we're long over due.
                      The wooded areas of the county I live in are littered with the bodies of those who have told me what I know or don't know.
                      Just because I don't study rocks for a living, doesn't mean I'm a rockhead.
                      "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                      • #12
                        That's strange. I do study rocks for a living and I consider my self a rockhead.

                        I interesting to note you are aware of these naturally occuring phenomena (ie Axel Heiberg). Most are not. So I can only assume you would not be.

                        Keep up the good work of self education. It's a crying shame most Americans are clueless to the most basic facts of earth's history and have absolutely no point of reference when reading or listening to agenda based science such as that touted by Al Gore.

                        Spread the news my friend.


                        • #13
                          Incomplete picture

                          Maxi my man, you never tell the whole story. Until scientists are willing to address the subject of gravity depletion the truth will never be known about global warming. Weakening gravity is allowing ozone molecules to escape the atmosphere, letting in more UV, creating more heat. Why won't people take gravity depletion seriously?
                          1980 XS 11 Special: The King of Kong, 9th wonder of the world. Pacifico fairing, chopped shield, Yamaha hard bags, Diamond seat, T-Kat fork brace, XJ top end, YICS Eliminator, '80 carbs from Spyder Cycle Works, K&N Air filter, Fuse block, stainless steel valves & reg/rect from Oregon MC Parts. Raptor CCT, XJ air shocks, 850 FD, Sportster mufflers, Standard handle bar, Tusk Bar Risers, SS braided brake lines. Cat Eye speedometer. HID projector beam headlight, LED running lights.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Hellyer still alive?

                              Who'da thought it? Anyway Maxman, don't knock the old fella for what he said is true.
                              IF aliens flew here from another star system they would so have energy storage devices far superior to ours. And IF the US govt had such a ship stashed away someplace it might well yield up it's secrets to us.
                              As for assuming everyone who claims to have seen a UFO is a nutcase, I've seen two of the bastards. (Well, I thought they were but as it turned out, they weren't.)
                              But if I hadn't been able to determine their earthly origins I'd still be claiming UFO sightings.
                              Fred Hill, S'toon.
                              Fred Hill, S'toon
                              XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                              "The Flying Pumpkin"

