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The Temperature thread.

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  • #46

    Yo, wildkat....... don't go being nice and send any my way ok? I like the fact that I get to ride everyday! Very few days this year haven't been on my bike.
    Mark A. Guthrie TSgt USAF (ret)
    S&M Comp. Serv. Inc. V.P.
    1981 XS11SH XCaliber


    • #47
      Nearly an inch of snow here total today. On Wednesday it was nearly 80. 17 tomorrow night. Global warming? Send some of it my way.
      Papa Gino

      79 and something XS 1100 Special "Battle Cruiser"
      78 XT 500 "Old Shaky"
      02 Kawasaki Concours "Connie"


      • #48
        i haven't been on my bike since late november
        as you can see by the pictures of my thermometer
        you will know whyjust when it was getting nice, snow about gone
        we get hit by a foot of snow

        78E main ride, since birth the "good"
        78E Parts, the "bad" fixing up now
        78E Parts the "ugly" maybe next year
        79F Parts
        80G Parts
        75 DT 400B enduro


        • #49
          Okay... it's official...

          Hell has officially frozen over...

          It's snowing...
          In Texas...
          In April...

          and Mark... I'm sending some of it your way...
          Nobody can ever accuse me of being stingy...
          81 SH Something Special
          81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

          79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
          81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
          80 LG Black Magic
          78 E Standard Practice

          James 3:17

          If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

          “Alis Volat Propriis”

          Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
          For those on FB


          • #50
            WTF mate. the other day it was in the 90's. Now its in the 30's snowing. If you don't like the weather in Texas, wait a minute.
            United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
            If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
            "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
            "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
            Acta Non Verba


            • #51
              Re: Okay... it's official...

              Originally posted by Wildkat

              and Mark... I'm sending some of it your way...
              Nobody can ever accuse me of being stingy...
              Geeee thanks WK, we just got your gift as we were setting out to take the girls Easter Egg hunting.

              I thought their teacher was kidding when she said one cold spell in April then and only then will it be over.

              Still, it beats Oklahoma for riding weather.

              Okinawa sounds nice...... 61-91 two years ago ......... 30 degree swing in a year....

              I miss that
              Mark A. Guthrie TSgt USAF (ret)
              S&M Comp. Serv. Inc. V.P.
              1981 XS11SH XCaliber


              • #52
                hey thats what everybody says in maine

                if you don't like the weather wait a minute

                but in a minute it usually goes from bad to worse
                78E main ride, since birth the "good"
                78E Parts, the "bad" fixing up now
                78E Parts the "ugly" maybe next year
                79F Parts
                80G Parts
                75 DT 400B enduro


                • #53
                  3 inches of snow here last night. Last Monday it was 80 degrees
                  "If A equals success, then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein

                  "Illegitimi non carborundum"-Joseph W. "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell

                  1980 LG
                  1981 LH


                  • #54
                    Hit the lower 30's here today, highest temp in about 8 days, melted the snow we got last week, just when I thought maybe I could fire the bike off tomorrow, weatherbug goes and pops up and informs me that we are in a snow watch, 3-6 inches between tonight and tomorrow night. Now ill have to wait for that to melt.
                    If only it would get warm enough in the uninsulated garage to allow me to do some much needed polishing, thats all I ask for.
                    1980 XS 1100 SG (The 3rd Degree) - The Cafe' Racer
                    Image Photos @
                    1980 XS1100 G (The Trouble Maker)
                    Fully stock and still goin at 65k miles


                    • #55
                      we are supposed to get our snow thursday
                      they don't know how much yet
                      last week they told us 3 to 5 inches, we got 12 inches
                      just wait and see
                      78E main ride, since birth the "good"
                      78E Parts, the "bad" fixing up now
                      78E Parts the "ugly" maybe next year
                      79F Parts
                      80G Parts
                      75 DT 400B enduro


                      • #56
                        Woke up this morning to 4" and heavy snow fall, no signs of it quitting any time soon.

                        Tis a good sign, we do need the moisture, but dang, bring it in rain and 50 degree temps, not snow and 20's
                        1980 XS 1100 SG (The 3rd Degree) - The Cafe' Racer
                        Image Photos @
                        1980 XS1100 G (The Trouble Maker)
                        Fully stock and still goin at 65k miles

