You’re in Bridgeport WV. You’ve finished a third day of cutting WV mountain roads on your FJR1300 and your front tire looks like this, it’s literally thread bare in five places. You think back to the previous week when you had your bike serviced and the mech saying you were down to one wear bar on the front tire. Gee, I’ve only had the tire on two years. You finally crack open your logbook, do the math and note that you put the tires on 12K miles ago. You’re 270 miles from home; its Sunday evening on a Memorial Day weekend and no shops will be open tomorrow. What do you do?
a) Trust your luck, ride home on the interstate at reduced speed hoping your front tire doesn’t blow out.
b) Trust your luck, ride home on WV-50 at reduced speed hoping your front tire doesn’t blow out.
c) Spend another night in no tell motel, hoping they’re not shooting live video next door and take the bike to the shop Tuesday.
d) Spend another night in no tell motel, hoping they are shooting live video next door and take the bike to the shop Tuesday.
e) Call the wife who just got home from picking your son up in Pittsburg, hear her ten minute lecture on checking tires before a trip, coerce her into picking up a trailer then pick you up five hours later.
f) Call the wife who just got home from picking your son up in Pittsburg, hear her ten minute lecture on checking tires before a trip, float the idea and see if she bites.