Even if the smoke is only coming from #1 I should just leave it be for a while?
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Compression question
Rough Idle
OK, it's raining here today but thought to let the bike idle for a while after putting it back together.
With the choke out it started and run for a short time then I tried pushing the choke in but it started coughing, so I pulled it out again and it idled for a couple minutes then died, and won't start again. I have not put the air filter back on the box yet but would that cause the problem? I'm not sure what to look at.80 XS11 SG
79 XS750 SF
74 KZ400
78 KZ650
78 KZ750
I did put 4oz of Seafoam in the tank to clean out carbon in the valves, but I might only have about a gallon of gas in there. Can you have too much Seafoam in the tank?80 XS11 SG
79 XS750 SF
74 KZ400
78 KZ650
78 KZ750
It's running now
I know that the fuel was in the "ON" position but I decided to put it on "prime" for a few seconds each side then placed it back to "ON". It fired up and stayed idling but smokin' bigtime--I suppose it's the Seafoam working.
Anyhow, I know I primed it last night before I fired it up then. Don't know why it needed it again.80 XS11 SG
79 XS750 SF
74 KZ400
78 KZ650
78 KZ750
Bubble, Bubble toil and trouble
I have clear fuel lines on the SH and some times notice air in the lines, up on the octopus, if it sits for a couple of days. No leaks and no fuel in the air box. How ever it gets there I have had It stumble while running with the choke out . Just feels like it starved for fuel for a second. Push thru it with throttle and the problem goes away along with the visable air bubbles.wingnut
81 SH (Daily Ride)
81 650XJ (Brother in laws bike, Delivered)
81 650XJ Jane Doe (Son's Ride)
82 750XJ Project bike (Son in law's future ride)
81 XS 400
No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another; and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him.”
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
Thomas Jefferson
His Smoking Problem!!
Here's what I PM'd CUBuffs recently about his #2 cylinder smoking problem, then sent a second one also mentioning he might have a stuck OIL PISTON RING!? Any other thoughts!
I was thinking a bit more about your situation though, and regrettably came up with some "bad" thoughts!
Was thinking about the WHY part of how this cylinder/valve got bad, and realized that more than likely, it either has a leaking valve seal, the rubber one just beneath the valve springs that keeps the cam chamber oil OUT, or AND...the valve guide seal is also blown...there's a rubber Oring around it which also keeps the oil from dripping down the valve stem and INTO the engine's combustion chamber. Oil makes smoke, and it also doesn't burn very well compared to Gas, and so it may be the WHY that valve got all gummed, carboned up and messed up the seat and valve head/lip!!
So....it looks like you may be in for having to pull the head and do a VALVE job on it anyways, along with having a shop check to verify that the leak is from the Valve stem seal, vs. the valve Guide Seal/Oring!? Sorry for the bad news, and putting you thru the other work for possibly naught!?T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
no smoke today
I fired up the beast again today and let it idle. There was no noticeable smoke this time. There was however some popping sounds when I would give it some gas when first warming up. After about 5 minutes the popping disappeared and it sounded good.80 XS11 SG
79 XS750 SF
74 KZ400
78 KZ650
78 KZ750
.. do you have to use the choke to start your bike when your engine is cold? could still be a little lean at idle. if it idles and runs good when it's warm then i would not mess with it anymore. no carburated anything runs good when cold
.. ride it ..
Yes, I do use the choke to start. T.C. suggested I throw on some new plugs, so I think I will do that and just leave it alone for awhile. It does seem to run pretty smooth after it warms up. Just never had it poppin' before I sprayed the Deep Creep into the valves.80 XS11 SG
79 XS750 SF
74 KZ400
78 KZ650
78 KZ750
That poppen you hear is prob just a lean condition from being cold. These things do not like to be lean and until they get nice and warm they will act funny. I start mine on choke,let it sit for a minute then kick it down to half choke. I can ride it on half choke if I'm not to agressive with the throttle. Half a mile down the road I kick the choke off and it runs normal after that. If you hear the same noise when decelerating its also a sign that at least one cyl is a little lean or you are not quite sync'ed. Sounds like you got it running good and the smoke went away so ride on!wingnut
81 SH (Daily Ride)
81 650XJ (Brother in laws bike, Delivered)
81 650XJ Jane Doe (Son's Ride)
82 750XJ Project bike (Son in law's future ride)
81 XS 400
No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another; and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him.”
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
Thomas Jefferson
Engine Kills
Thanks Wingnut,
I took the beast for a short (1 mile) ride to Sears, parked it for 10 minutes, came out and fired it up without choke, after about .2 miles the engine started running very rough and it killed.
I put fuel on reserve just in case but it would not start unless I opened up the choke halfway and it revved very high. I put the choke back in and kept giving it gas. It ran for about another .5 miles or so and did the same thing---killed as I was pulling on to my street. Anybody got an idea for me?80 XS11 SG
79 XS750 SF
74 KZ400
78 KZ650
78 KZ750