The bike is a 1984 Maxim 1100. I had fuel leaking out #1 Carb into the air box. I changed the needles and seats. My fuel diaphram (octupus) was leaking so I ordered a rebuild kit for it and the petcocks. Anyway when I was taking it apart something dropped on the floor. Can't find anything so I dont know what it was, My question is, is there supposed to be a spring in there or does the rubber diaphram work to keep the fuel from flowing. I seem to have everything else. If so does anyone know what the spring is supposed to look like, maybe I can find one somewhere.
I also rebuilt the petcocks but the left one is still dripping. Not very much but it is leaking some. The handle is also broken off. Are these available anywhere or does anyone have petcocks they are willing to part with? The petcocks and diaphram are the same ones that ar on my 1981 midnight special so I assume Yamaha didn't change the design for a number of years. I kind of want to keep the bike stock account it only has 17,000 kms on it.
I also rebuilt the petcocks but the left one is still dripping. Not very much but it is leaking some. The handle is also broken off. Are these available anywhere or does anyone have petcocks they are willing to part with? The petcocks and diaphram are the same ones that ar on my 1981 midnight special so I assume Yamaha didn't change the design for a number of years. I kind of want to keep the bike stock account it only has 17,000 kms on it.