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Lost my spark over the winter

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  • #16
    new battery installed, still nothing , bypassed the upright sensor. Can i revisit the question of the kill switch? Can the starter turn without the switch allowing spark ? I heard conflicting reports on that previously. Thanks still trying to figure this out


    • #17
      Big Al, how did you bypass the tilt switch? Its a normally open switch. To bypass it you merely unplug it. If you shorted the wires together you killed the spark. Just make sure there is no connection between the two wires.

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      • #18
        AL, you started this thread by saying you changed the coils. What brand? There is a lot of Chinese junk on the market. Dyna coils are a good brand but now I am seeing a flood of Chinese copies that look the same but do not have "DYNA" embossed on the side. Beware of junk Chinese parts.


        • #19
          Fake Dyna coil from China.

          Click image for larger version

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          • #20
            Same thing happened with the Shindengen SH775 voltage regulator. After finding out they made a permanent magnet charging system damn near bulletproof cheap copies flooded the market, even the retail suppliers where getting duped on them they where copied so well (externally)
            1980 XS1100G

            I identify as a man but according to the label on a package of Stauffers Baked Lasagne I'm actually a family of four!


            • #21
              thanks , i did jump the tilt witch after the new battery did not produce the answer, I will remove that , appreciate that , I bought DYNA coils and did the voltage test on them and seemed good, I can check them again and report back.


              • #22
                Once you remove the jumper from the tilt switch connector, try to start it. How did you determine you had no spark? Did you actually pull spark plugs out and ground them on the case while turning over the motor?


                • #23
                  Yes grounding the on the case, I tried multiple plugs, one at a time , swaped in new plugs. If someone could tell me if the starter will turn while the kill switch could still be a problem I will go back and take the switch apart. In the on position the starter cranks but no spark. Voltage light on the coil lights up when in on position and goes off when in off or kill position. Thanks


                  • #24
                    Kill switch in off position, bike should NOT crank.
                    2H7 (79) owned since '89
                    3H3 owned since '06

                    "If it ain't broke, modify it"



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BigalG View Post
                      Yes grounding the on the case, I tried multiple plugs, one at a time , swaped in new plugs. If someone could tell me if the starter will turn while the kill switch could still be a problem I will go back and take the switch apart. In the on position the starter cranks but no spark. Voltage light on the coil lights up when in on position and goes off when in off or kill position. Thanks

                      When the kill switch is switched to the left or right (off position) the starter does not crank.
                      However, the gauge lights remain lit when the kill switch is switched to any position.
                      Last edited by Ranger_xs1100; 08-24-2023, 07:12 AM.
                      Bob's Bikes:
                      79SF, Military theme bike

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                      Project XS11"
                      "Rucksack Grunt"
                      "Jean's Heroic Journey"

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                      • #26
                        Al, if you have positive power to the coils the only way you can have negative to the coils to complete the circuit is through the Electronic Control Unit (ECU). The XS11 ECU takes the grounding signals from the sensors on the left side of the motor and processes the signals through to the coils just like old fashioned points. Ground a coil/complete the circuit - you get a spark. The fact that you have no spark at EITHER coil suggests at this point you either have:

                        1. 2 open coils. Unlikely unless they are counterfeit Dyna coils.
                        2. No path to ground. Sensor wires broken. A very possible common problem with XS11s.
                        3. A bad ECU. Rare but might have bad connections at terminals.
                        4. Bad frame ground. Right on top of voltage regulator.

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                        Last edited by DEEBS11; 08-24-2023, 08:19 AM.


                        • #27
                          lots of good suggestions to chase this weekend, thanks, to go back to my kill switch question. When in the run position, starter cranks.... can the switch still cause a no spark "kill" if it is faulty? Meaning the starter cranks but no spark? Thanks again


                          • #28
                            No AL, if the engine is cranking the switch is working 100%.


                            • #29
                              Here are a few pages from the manual.

                              Click image for larger version

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                              • #30
                                Here are a few areas to check that are circled. This only applies if you have no spark at BOTH coils. Bad ground, broken sensor wires, no power at ECU, or tilt switch input grounded.

                                Click image for larger version

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