I was looking for a little trunk for my junk and came across this gadunkadunk on ebay. After a good scrub, I replaced most of the hardware and repainted the pannels. My buddy helped me out making sense of the wiring and his cousin did a little painting as well on the vetter emblems to match the gold YAMAHA and XS11 badges on the bike too. The lock was a little bit of a pain, but once I took a dremel tool to the hole, the perfect fit was mine.
I just wanted to share my success with all you guys. Thought you'd get a kick out of it.
I mean you all like big butts right?
Oh, I also finally got that stock exhaust back on too. Broken posts and all. Took it for a test ride today and all seems okay.
I just wanted to share my success with all you guys. Thought you'd get a kick out of it.
I mean you all like big butts right?

Oh, I also finally got that stock exhaust back on too. Broken posts and all. Took it for a test ride today and all seems okay.