Horsing around, having fun, and I'm pretty sure I burned my clutch up. At-first, threw it in gear, and it went no where. Didn't even stall. Engine just revved. Took the side cover off and adjusted the throw-out bearing, and it gave me enough engagement to get going. Could not take it over 4K, as the clutch slipped, and just revved. It got to a point at red lights where I had to keep the recs high and dump the clutch.
I'll pull the side cover off and I presume I'll find clutch fibers all down to nothing. I never replaced them when I changed my springs out. Probably a good time to do so, and change the oil too.
I'll pull the side cover off and I presume I'll find clutch fibers all down to nothing. I never replaced them when I changed my springs out. Probably a good time to do so, and change the oil too.